A Voice from the Eastern Door

Stroller Fitness

Are you a mom of an infant or toddler? If so, are you looking for a chance to exercise, stay healthy, and connect with other moms in the community?


WHO: Mothers and their infants/toddlers. Mothers must be at least 8 weeks post-delivery (otherwise a Physicians note is needed)

WHAT: An outdoor class for moms and babies. The + is the nutritious snacks and healthy eating tips for Mom and Baby.

WHEN: 5 Weeks starting July 3rd to August 2nd, classes are offered 3 times each week.

Tuesday 10:00 a.m.-11:340 a.m.

Wednesday 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

WHERE: Tewathahita Walking Trail Tuesdays and Thursdays. Cornwall Waterfront Trail on Wednesdays.

WHY: It’s a great way to get back in shape and meet other new moms! Plus, it offers a safe place to ask questions, share thoughts and support one another.

Strollers and Carriers available for loan! First come first served! Register Today!

The class combines Cardio & Strength training to help new moms regain their strength and work out the mommy muscles they use everyday.

To Register Please Call Catherine at 613.575.2341 Ext. 3244

Fit Moms = Fit Families

Take care of your family by taking care of YOURSELF FIRST!


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