On April 22nd the world will observe Earth Day. Earth Day is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment.
What a tremendous, sacred gift we have been given to live in this beautiful world! Do we truly hold it dear to our hearts, or do we take it for granted?
“In all things of nature there is something marvelous.” -Aristotle-
What has happened in our world? I am sad and dismayed when I read in the newspapers that ethics have been put aside in favor of greed and financial gain.
Our Earth was created as a sacred space, a cloak that protects us with a life giving atmosphere, a cloak that protects a vast vegetation of plants and animals that depend on each other for survival. We have abused this Earth’s sacredness and are ruining our soil and water with chemicals, garbage and pollutants. Forests have been erased around the world and cities have been built too close to floodplains. If we don’t mend our environmental cloak around the world, HOW will we live?
We need positive changes in attitudes, and each of us needs to speak out. We have to turn our battle against nature into appreciation and partnership with nature. We need to let our country heads and lawmakers know how we feel.
You can make a difference too, by raising your voice against the practices that cause environmental damage, needless wars and large scale suffering around the world.
While gazing out of my apartment balcony recently, I saw a big tree. I saw the trunk as the body with a sad face. The branches were like arms-some weak, some strong, reaching out in all directions. it reminded me of the plight of our earth. My heart breaks when I see suffering. Peace is far more cheaper than war. Don’t you think so too?
We should never forget that in preserving the environment and fostering peace and love in the world, we protect our most precious resource- our children, grand-children and all generations to come. As we make efforts to heal the earth, also reach out to heal each other.
Speak out with love and understanding to your families, communities, friends and the world. Look around you and you will see how important it is for us to make Every day - Earth day!
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