A Voice from the Eastern Door

Break is over

Big Brother had all of last week off from school. It started the previous Thursday but two weeks ago he started counting down the days until he could sleep in and have free time.  I think it was a much needed break for him. He’s been working really hard on homework, reading logs and studying for his spelling tests that are every Friday. We’re so happy with his grades especially since it’s all up to him how he does. He never misses the bus and seems so big and old when he checks his homework. Then he makes sure it’s in his book bag in the morning before he walks out to the bus and that’s when it really shows how much he’s grown. He’s almost as tall as me but still gives me a hug and a kiss goodbye each morning. 

As Big Brother’s spring break approached he was counting down with the “this many sleeps” calendar counting. He was looking forward to hanging out with his friends and staying up late. According to him, sleeping in is the best part of spring break. There were days that he didn’t climb out of bed until ten. Little Brother was being a lazy bones, too, wanting to sleep until nine or so, which is hours past his usual wake up time. I think Little Brother just forced himself back to sleep until he heard his big bro was awake.

Big Brother had a couple of his cousins come play over break, a sleep over at his grandma’s, lots of stops at the park and visiting family. We went for walk and one time we got caught in a downpour. The boys thought running home through the rain was the funniest thing. Good thing we were already on our way back home when it started so we just got wet, not cold too. We hosted an Easter dinner and egg hunt with our friends and their kids. The night before reminded me of Christmas Eve as my husband and I stayed up in the middle of the night packing close to three hundred Easter eggs. It was worth it though and I think we will do it again next year. One thing I will change is we will start the egg packing a week ahead instead of the night before. 

Big Brother got invited to spend the weekend in Burlington, Vermont with his grandma. Big Brother excitedly packed his luggage, which is a Cars carryon bag with wheels. Inside it was a weekend’s worth of clothes, a car mat and over one hundred Hot Wheels cars. I wondered why his bag was so heavy until I had snuck a peek and saw all the metal cars he’d be hauling. Good thing it has wheels! When he got back home he was full of stories and told me, “I didn’t get homesick once! All I did was swim when we were at the hotel and grandma took me all kinds of places”. He went to watch the hockey world championships. He said the hockey players got a lot of penalties and he thought it was because they were girls and girls get mad easier than boys. He also got to go to his very first car show, which he loved. He told me he went to this place called Echo that was all about marine life and kind of like a mini water zoo. 

After a nice break Big Brother seemed ready to go back to school. As he got cozy in bed last night he said, “Mom, break is over.” before crashing out. I know he missed his friends and school because this morning I only had to say, “Good morning and time to wake up” once to him. He was in the shower and ready for the bus twenty minutes early. Usually he is ready just in the nick of time and running to the bus. Well, the break is over. 


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