A Voice from the Eastern Door

March Madness

I’m sure everyone else has noticed the unusually beautiful weather this past week. The sun is shining and it has reached eighty degrees a few times. My boys have been so excited to play outside and just being out there without a jacket & snow pants. What a change from last year when we were still in the middle of a snow storm at this time of year! We’ve been cleaning up the ditch near our house and the yard from the wild birds. Yes wild birds, it hasn’t been the dogs because my neighbor keeps her tied up and they’re good pets...its these black birds. They come in a big flock of about fifty. The few times I have left a bag of garbage of my porch they come by & literally lift it off the porch and rip it to shreds over the entire yard.   So while I did the trash duty the kids played in mud and jumped on the trampoline. Little brother is so much bigger this year. He’s earned trust. I can let him play on the trampoline or in the yard and be more than ten feet away. He is now tall enough to climb up there unassisted and back down to put his boots on himself.

Of course he is still his Brother’s tail and no matter how fast or sneaky big brother tries to run away little brother is keeping up. The other day with the gorgeous weather we had the opportunity to eat our lunch outside. My mother gave us a picnic table last summer and it’s already gotten use in the middle of March. It was little brother’s idea. He stood at the doorway with his food asking, “eat outdide?”. Big brother was very excited to lunch outside and told anyone we saw for the remainder of the day that we had a picnic. We even have already gotten a few walks in on our road. Yesterday Big brother busted out his new scooter he got for Christmas and little brother climbed into his stroller ready to hit the road. It was nice weather, the kind you just take in a deep breath and enjoy the fact you are outside with the sun shining on you again. Later that night my husband set up his telescope so we could stargaze. Little brother was intrigued by it and would point to which stars he wanted to look at. That’s another thing that has been waiting for nice weather because you can’t let the telescope get cold. Big brother has gone to school with shorts on because it’s so warm & little brother was confused about not wearing a winter hat. One day we wore jeans, jackets and hats and then the next we wore shorts and t-shirts. Big brother is so excited about the weather but not so much about the mosquito bites we acquired so anything due to weather like a mosquito bite or a muddy shoe he exclaims, “March madness!” 


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