A Voice from the Eastern Door

Clean your Web Browser History

People that surf the Internet use a Web Browser, RSS Reader and other software to access information from websites.  The most popular Web Browsers include Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, and Opera.  It’s a standard practice that Web Browsers are set up to save a list of websites you visited, downloads, forms you submitted, your searching history, and the cookies that your computer accepted.  This helps to make your Internet surfing experience faster, interactive, and personalized.  For example;

· A website asks you what your name is.

· You tell the website your name is ‘Joe Schmoe’.

· The website sends a cookie to your computer that stores your name ‘Joe Schmoe’.

· The next time you visit the website, it sees that you have a cookie stored on your computer, telling it that your name is ‘Joe Schmoe’.

· The website greets you with a personalized greeting “Good Morning Joe Schmoe!”  The cookie might also see that your last visit was to a webpage about buying cars, so the website shows you customized ads or articles that are all about buying cars.

The web developer of the website mentioned above is the person that creates the cookie and develops it to store specific information on your computer to be accessed in the future.  Usually a team of executives decides what the cookie is going to stored, why it’s stored, and why it’s accessed from your computer.  Yes, cookies have been abused or used to create harm, just like absolutely any other technology / idea you can imagine (automobile, pencil, kitten, knowledge, religion).  I know it’s hard to believe anyone would have used a kitten to cause harm but let’s just focus on cleaning your Web Browser history today.

The reasons to clean your web browser history may include security issues, privacy issues, and just plain old curiosity.  When you use a public computer at a library or use your own computer at a public wifi location, you are susceptible to having your personal information and habits exposed to anyone in the general public.  Keep your web browser history cleaned out and your risks can be decreased.  Risks include a hacker (malicious and / or harmless) gaining access to the cookies, forms, and website viewing history on your computer that store your passwords, bank account info, and daily habits.

Clean FireFox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, and Opera

Always be sure that you have the most current stable version of any web browser.  At the top menu bar of your web browser you will usually find an option for Preferences then Privacy, Security, or History.  Review all the options for your web browser and make changes as you see fit.  If you notice your computer or Internet browsing is disrupted or behaves in annoying ways after you made some changes, just go back to the top menu and try some other options. 

At the top right of most web browser software you will also notice a text link that says HELP.  Click that link and CHECK FOR UPDATES or enter your question to discover all your options.  Don’t forget to check for the most recent stable version for your web browser software.


Easter Egg

This week I suggest a super fast way to be notified of anytime ‘akwesasne’ is mentioned on the Internet from popular websites and blogs.  RSS OWL is a free newsreader software program that automatically receives specific information that you asked for.   Many people prefer to use it instead of a traditional web browser because it’s faster and easier to access specific information.  You can get it at the website link mentioned in the references section of this article.  After you installed it, click the NEW+ button at the top left of RSS OWL window.  Then check your second option to “Import Feeds matching the following Topics:” and enter the word Akwesasne, then click the NEXT button.  You will be given a list to choose from.  The list only includes information sources that mention Akwesasne.  Check on the sources you want and click NEXT and FINISH buttons.  Now you have a fast easy highly focused information source on your computer. 

Click the ADD button at the top right of RSS OWL again, and check the first option.  Enter the following into the text box and follow the instructions to view IndianTime.net news: 




Clean my Web Browser History.  Retrieved online from http://www.google.com

Firefox.  http://www.FireFox.com

Internet Explorer. http://windows.microsoft.com

Safari.  http://www.apple.com/safari

Google Chrome.  http://www.Google.com/chrome

Opera.  http://www.Opera.com 


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