A Voice from the Eastern Door

IP fun day

Akwesasne’s IP hockey team held their annual fun day tournament on Sunday, February 26th at the A’nowara’ko:wa Arena.   The Initiation Program hosted two teams from Kahnawake, a team from Malone and South Stormont.  Each team was made up of 4-6 year olds learning the basic skills of hockey and team play while promoting non-contact fun.  Hustler awards were issued after each game to the player who exhibited skill and leadership on the ice, chosen by the opposing team, the recipients are as follows:

Game 1: Akwesasne: Aronhiawaks “Waksi” Rice, Kahnawake MAGH II: Tekanerateneka Albany

Game 2: Kahnawake Blackhawks: Ava Green; Malone: Brenden Lashomb

Game 3: Kahnawake MAGH II: Iorahente Albany; South Stormont: Adam Walker

Game 4: Akwesasne: Ienni Thompson, Kahnawake Blackhawks: Teharihoko Diabo

Game 5: South Stormont: Trey Pitplado; Malone: Liam Davis

 Goals scored by Akwesasne players include Ienni Thompson (4), Waksi Rice (4), Drey Thompson (2), with singles from Harper Oakes, and Ryder Sunday. Keegan Delormier did a great job in nets.

Assist given to Kinley Rourke, Otsi Benedict, Reegan Peters, Alexander Chatland Delormier, Landon Dupris David, Ranenriohiosta Herne, Cayde Lazore, Kreedence Lazore, & Zade Mitchell.  Special thanks to all the parents and grandparents who volunteered and helped make the day a success!


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