A Voice from the Eastern Door
St. Regis Mohawk Senior Center
Feb. 24th Ruth Bell
Feb. 24th Marshall Oakes
Feb. 25th Shirley Gorrow
Feb. 25th Vallerie Terrance
Feb. 25th Mary White
Feb. 27th (Neil) Scott Jock
Feb. 27th Andrew Phillips
Feb. 28th Rose Thompson
Feb. 29th Pauline Boots
Fri. Feb. 24th – Painting w/ Tina 1:00 – Trip to IGA 1:00 Mon. Feb. 27th – Bingo 1:00 – Tues. Feb. 28th – Painting w/Shirley Barse 1:00 – Shopping 1:00 –Wed. Feb. 29th – Cribbage 9:00
Please call for lunch reservations by 9:30 am, to ensure that there will be meals for everyone.
Home for the Elderly
February Birthday club luncheon will be held on February 29th. We will be celebrating resident Bea White’s birthday and staff member Sheryl Lazore.
REMINDER: Please refrain from visiting if you are suffering any cold or flu like symptoms, until have totally recovered. Also RSVP your attendance to all of our events and inform the kitchen staff if you will be joining your family member for lunch or supper before 11:00am, so that the kitchen staff can make the proper adjustments. Thank You.
Teresa David, Activity Program Support
Thurs. Feb. 23rd -1:00 Folding Linens – 3:00 Busy Hands – 6:15 Loonie Bingo
Fri. Feb. 24th – 10:30 Morning Stretch 12:00- Congregate Meal, Mexican Theme 1:00-Folding & Music 2:15- 25 Bingo
Sat. Feb 25th – 10:30 Parachute Games 11:30-Brush to Canvas 1:00-Folding Laundry, Let’s Talk 2:30-25 Bingo
Sun. Feb. 26th 10:30-Sit n Fit 1:00-Folding & Music, Movie Memories & Ice Cream Social 2:30-Cards 4:15-Busy Hands
Mon. Feb. 27th 9:30-Bean Bag Toss 10:30-Brush to Canvas 1:00-Folding to Music, Magazine Scavenger Hunt 3:15-Busy Hands
Tues. Feb. 28th 9:30-Morning Stretch 10:30-Game On; Fold to Music, 1:30-Tea & Trivia 3:15-Montessori Moments 6:15-25 Bingo
Wed. Feb. 29th 9:30-Laughter Yoga 10:30-Brush to Canvas 1:00-Folding Linens 3:30- Music matters 6:30-Busy Hands
613-937-0477 Weekly meetings on Wednesday at 10:00am, bingo after lunch at 12:45. Bring a friend everyone welcome!
Reminder: The $10.00 membership fee is due in February.
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