A Voice from the Eastern Door

Letter to the Editor

Letter to my customers,

I am writing because I did not get a chance to say goodbye or thanks for all the help. It is against FedEx’s policy for me to mention their names so I won’t.

I can remember the very first day I started on the Rez nearly 20 years ago. My first stop was the Day’s home on Raquette Point. I remember thinking I never knew anyone with that name, so if most names were unfamiliar with me maybe I could memorize all houses and families!

Not knowing that would be 6,000 or so, and I soon found out there were things I had not planned on – like 12 Theresa Thompsons!

Also on the first day the previous courier informed me that there was a lady at Lazore’s Construction behind the lumber yard on Route 37 that always yelled at him and she did scare him. I said if she yells at me I will yell right back. Well, Candy Two Bulls did exactly that and I did too, then she started laughing!

Thanks to all the staff at Mohawk Environment for helping me when I was sick recently and for all the directions and laughs we had over the years. I also made fun of N.Y. State Troopers and most white people, which they always found amusing!

Thanks to the staff at the Casino Gaming Commission and EMT’s, got sickly there also.

All the fine people at the Tribal Council and Medical Center, thanks. Whenever there was cake for births or birthday I was always invited, darn near brought a tear to my eyes.

The Casino’s Warehouse receiving staff always had smiles and I enjoyed stopping there.

The Casino’s staff that I had to deliver high security packages to – sorry – but it was necessary for me to be miserable. Have fun with the new courier.

Thanks to everyone at the Speedway Store for taking large boxes that would not fit in the drop box.

Thanks all employees at Bear’s Den for being friendly, folks at J&J Insurance, Chiefs Gas Station employees, First Nation Trucking and Warehouse, everyone that worked and helped me at 191 Raquette Point Road.

Thanks to the Mohawk Police for tolerating me one day recently on Frogtown Road.

Over the years my van for some reason seemed to slide off the road!

Thanks to Hattie Bashaw for giving me a ride, Don Smoke for getting a wrecker, Alvin Jock for towing me off a log, Vincent the mailman for towing me, Bill Sears and his front end loader, and a few others I can’t remember their names.

I guess I won’t have to worry out winter driving anymore.

I will miss driving by “tank” on Beaver Meadow Road, I still miss seeing the Papineau’s beagle on Church St., Rudy Hart and family and dogs, nice people, nice dogs. All the Jocks on Jock Road.

Thanks Hope Wheelock for forgiving me for delivering her packages to the wrong house.

Thanks that I outran two King corsa dogs last summer, they probably would have spit me back out anyways.

Then there’s a Delisle lady at Thompson’s house at the top of the hill on Ransom Road, that years ago always gave me bad directions and laughed all the while I was driving away, but it gives me something to laugh about now.

Recently someone said to me, you delivered to my house when my kids were small and now they have kids.

Over the years I have very much enjoyed my time on the Rez, I feel the Mohawk people are my friends. I am ashamed of what my people did to the people who actually discovered America!

I know how this works – I write this letter and next week someone writes how much of a jerk they think I am. That’s okay, at times I was and it will give me something to giggle about.

For the one’s that care, I have a new doctor and new drugs, better now, but had to retire.

If any of you good folks are near Watertown anytime call me at 315-583-5884 and I will buy you a beer!

Bud Perry


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