A Voice from the Eastern Door

Haudenosaunee News

• The Mohawk Nation completed Midwinter Ceremonies on Friday, February 3rd with the Peach Bowl Game. The Peach Bowl Game has the Wolves/Turtles playing against the Bear and et al. The Wolves/Turtles won the game for 2012. The dances were done, Howard Thompson gave the day to day events speech, the soup was served and the closing was done bringing this year’s Midwinter to an end. It was a good Mid-Winter with many people attending each day. Have a great year.

• The Haudenosaunee Peace and Trade Committee will be meeting on Friday, February 10th. With Mid-Winter ceremonies scheduled in the territories for the month of January, activity had been at a standstill. The meeting on Friday will give each nation the opportunity to inform those present what has or is occurring in their communities. More information next week. The meeting is scheduled for 10:00am at the Onondaga Cookhouse.

• The Haudenosaunee Task Force on the Environment has scheduled a meeting for Friday February 10, 2012 at the Onondaga Arena for 10:00am. Representatives from the Nations will attend to discuss the environmental issues confronting/challenging the Haudenosaunee. Update next week.

• Have a good week, enjoy the unseasonably warm weather.


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