A Voice from the Eastern Door



(“Let’s mend our mind, body & spirit”)

The mission of the TSI TEWATE’NIKONHRAKWATÁ:KO (“Let’s mend our mind, body & spirit”) by helping our cousins and families through the difficult detoxification process and to offer support and healing to the community to embrace positive life choices.

Tsi Tewate’nikonhrakwatá:ko (“Let’s mend our mind, body & spirit”), detox center is housed in a house trailer located on School Road, TsiSnaihne next door to the Native Connections office. It has 3 bedrooms, bathroom, living room and kitchen. The house will hold up to 4 clients/patients who are referred to as “cousins”.

The center was the lucky recipient of the 5th annual Russell “Hoss” Mitchell Memorial Dance, held on January 14th at the Brass Horse lounge.

Once the center’s employees found out that we would be recipients of this annual event, staff and volunteers immediately went into action by organizing a Mohawk auction and a Pasta & Pizza Dinner fundraiser that would also be held on the before the dance.

The events were a huge success and raised approximately $4,500 of much needed funds for the center.

A big Niawen ko:wa to:

Roger Mitchell and River Mohawks,

all the performers who came out to donate their time,


Toby Cook & Corrina Oakes, 2 baskets

Truck Stop #9 employees, 2 baskets

Tree Top Boutique, 3 baskets and 1 purse

Alice Thompson, Akat Benedict, Teres Seymour & Tsita Delisle, 2 baskets

Betty Swamp and Lucy Roundpoint, King Size quilt and a bicycle basket

MCA Admin 2, 4 baskets and a Kindle

Elvera Sargent & Family, 2 prints by Natasha Smoke-Santiago

Akwesasne Homemakers, 1 basket

Joe and Lucy Lazore, 1 basket

Sylvia Skidders, 1 basket

Snye Recreation Committee, Ipod

Catherine Cook, 1 basket

Sandra Tarbell, 1 basket

Darcie Cree, gift certificates

The family of Landon Day, bikes and toys

Mohawk Gov’t, 1 basket

Mike and Danielle Thompson, 1 basket

Cyndi Laffin, 1 basket

Roger and Cathy Mitchell, 1 basket

Mohawk Plumbing, 1 basket

Annie McDonald, 1 basket

Jackie Cree, 3 bags

Marsha White, Keurig coffee maker

Terry & Leona Francis, 1 basket

April & Teio Seymour, 1 basket

Linda Jackson, 4 motor cycle helmets

Akwesasne Sports, Lacrosse Stick

Mae and Wayne Green, basket

April Castagnier, Ruff around the Edges

Lindsey & Winnifred Mitchell, basket

Michelle Rolfe, lap quilt

Rachel Garrow & Jordan Francis, Computer Desk

Diaper Cake, anonymous donation

Anna & Eli Thompson, basket


Lucy Lazore, Missy Conners, Annie King, Deanna Tarbell, Chubby Oakes, Elvera Sargent, Wendy Adams, Michelle Thomas, Sheila King, April & Teio Seymour, Raeanne Oakes, Pray Lazore, Donna & Nate Benedict, Rosalie Herne

OTHER DONATIONS - Mike and Hilda Smoke, Gabe Cook

A hand made quilt made and donated by Annie King as well as an original painting by will be raffled off at a later date.

A big Niawen kowa to all the volunteers who worked at the fundraiser and to the following who came out to the Hoss Mitchell Memorial Dance, especially Roger Mitchell and the River Mohawk Band, Dirty Blues Project, John Francis and Jake Adams.

Onen kiwahe,

Elvera Sargeant


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