A Voice from the Eastern Door

The Beautiful Truth

Raised on a wildlife reserve in Alaska, 15-year old Garrett was interested in the dietary habits of their animals.

After the tragic death of his mother, Garrett s father decided to home-school his son and assigned a book written by Dr. Max Gerson that proposes a direct link between diet and a cure for cancer.

Fascinated, Garrett embarks on a cross-country road trip to investigate The Gerson Therapy. He meets with scientists, doctors and cancer survivors who reveal how it is in the best interest of the multi-billion dollar medical industry to dismiss the notion of alternative and natural cures.

It has been said that more people live off cancer than die from it. The Beautiful Truth is a movie that can put a stop to this travesty. Here is a very practical guide to the intensive nutritional treatment of cancer and other life-threatening diseases that many would consider to have been impossible to obtain. But thanks to the work of Max Gerson, M.D., and his daughter, Charlotte Gerson, this knowledge is readily available.

Max Gerson cured cancer. He did so with a strict fat-free, salt-free, low-protein, essentially vegetarian dietary regimen, based on great quantities of fresh vegetable juice, supplements, and systemic detoxification.

The Beautiful Truth was shown at Cornwall Island Crossfit behind Express Gas on Jan. 23rd.

Some comments after the movie were:

“What a good movie, really opens your eyes to the truth. How sick the sickness business really is. If you really knew what was happening, you’d take your eating into your own hands. You’ve gotta see what is in the food these days. The manufacturing process, ewww. Come out and learn more next Monday about May I be Frank, Food documentary”. Corrine Johnson

“Really shows how bad things are that are in everyday foods, really informative.” Dillon

“Good, very informative. Never heard it before. Hidden truth, hidden knowledge.” D.J.

“Very good movie, brought my attention to the food we eat.” B.

“A must see! Opened my eyes on natural medicine to cure cancer.” Pascale

“Very informative and makes you aware of food supply.”

“Go ahead eat what ever you want, results will follow either way, your choice. Very interesting! I wish more people would see the movies, and take care of control of their health.” Joanne Cayer

“Thank you! Very informative and insightful, will pass on to family and friends.” Jennifer Renwick

Reminder that the participants will be entered into a raffle for $200 of organically grown meat from Peasant Craft farm http://www.peasantscraft.ca” Thanks Kev.

The 10 viewers also did an exercise about muscle testing, how your body tells you the truth. Check out kinesiology to find out how to do this. That we test strong when we are in integrity with our diets and we are out of integrity when we are not eating right. So basically eating good makes us stronger. We really encourage Akwesasne and area to come and find out the Truth about Food next Monday 7 p.m. to see May I be Frank. http://mayibefrankmovie.com/


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