A Voice from the Eastern Door

Ohero:kon ceremony

Rites of Passage Ceremony

A Ohero:kon Ceremony is an ancient tribal ritual that transitions adolescent youth into adulthood. Elders tell us that a child grows into maturity and honor only through disciplined rituals guided under the careful eye of their Aunts and Uncles. The ceremony draws upon the ancient skill of fasting to awaken the adolescent to a greater sense of self and self-sufficiency. The ceremony entails 20 weeks of rigorous preparation.

It facilitates a young person’s yearning to seek out meaning and purpose for their lives. It’s a process of growth founded in self-awareness and a consciousness to connect to a spiritual self in a wilderness setting. It can be a defining moment in the spiritual development of a young person.

If you know a young person who is struggling with questions about their life and would like to help them; get involved and both of you can benefit from this ceremonial experience. It can be a rewarding experience to witness their ordeals as they struggle to find their vision of what they might do with the life given them and bring into existence their own purpose and their rightful place in the grand scheme of an ever-changing universe.

The program will be accepting first year initiates until March 4th, 2012.

If you are interested in being involved with this year’s ceremony or know a young person who might benefit from this ceremonial experience please do not hesitate to call 613-575-2341 ext 3111 and ask for Louise to register for this free workshop.


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