A Voice from the Eastern Door

MCA Office of Vital Statistics

CIA #3 Cornwall Island Administration #3

Births, Marriages, Divorce, Deaths

This is to inform the Community that the Office of Vital Statistics requires:

Birth Registrations - OVS requires the original Birth Certificate and a parental consent form signed and witnessed by both parents. The original birth Certificate will be returned to the parents in four to six weeks. If the Child was born in Canada, OVS requires a Long Form Birth Certificate. The Long Birth Certificate indicates names of the parents. If the Child was born in the United States, we require a Birth Certificate that indicates the names of the parents.

MARRIAGE REGISTRATION - OVS requires a copy of the marriage certificate. Also a signed statement if the wife wishes to change her last name.

DIVORCE REGISTRATION - OVS requires a copy of the divorce certificate. Also a signed statement if the wife wishes to change her last name.

DEATH REGISTRATION - OVS requires a copy of the death certificate or a funeral director



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