A Voice from the Eastern Door

Consumer Corner

What a beautiful weekend everyone had over this Native Heritage and Canadian Thanksgiving holidays. It makes one think that the snow and cold weather is a long way off. This weather make s us let down our guard and not think of keeping an environment that is good for everyone’s intake and outtake of air.

To maintain a good “moisture ridden” environment especially for children you may need to think about purchasing a humidifier. We all talk about dehumidifiers and the work they do, but many times we forget that heating with electric or wood may be the cause of coughing and stuffy noses. Why? You need to have air in the “dry” environment. Remember your Grandparents with their woodstoves and you always asked why the kettle of water on the stove – to let moist air into the environment.

Here are some ideas to choose from:

Essick Moist Air MA1201 Whole House Humidifier; if you are looking for a “workhorse” to maintain moisture in your home then this is the machine for you. The humidifier is 2`x16”, considered a small machine, can handle 2500 square feet. This is the average size of most houses. It puts out 12 gallons of cool mist per day. A great idea on the humidifier, this machine has wheels so you can move it out of sight when not in use. Cost $110.00

Stadler Form Aquila Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier; The best humidifier for hard water. It has an anti-calcium cartrigen that removes mineral from hard water. It also features an anti-bacterial mechanism.

Crane Adorable Animals Humidifier; Do you want “moist” air for your child/ren’s room(s)? Then this is the cute and quiet machine for you. Crane’s humidifier is a “cute” and “fun” humidifier. It provides the cool mist required to relieve the cold symptoms of your child/ren. The Crane humidifier is very quiet and can run for eleven hours. Cost $40.00

Air-O-Swiss 2055 A Air Water Humidifier: This humidifier filters out the big stuff. It literally “washes” out the air of dust, hair, and anything that’s “catchable”. You may not live in Arizona but this is a perfect machine when there’s that much dust in the air. This machine can help you and your family.

Homedics-HUM-CM 50 Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier. This ultrasonic machine has style and special features; the machine costs less than $100.00 with a built-in glow light and is shaped like a genie bottle which adds style to your home. Cost $80.00


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