A Voice from the Eastern Door

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor,

Louise McDonald, thank you for a beautiful letter. I’m sorry Arlene Baker twisted a Clanmothers words into something so ugly in her last letter. Anyone with love in their heart would have shed a tear for two tomatoes. Stay strong Bear Clanmother. Keep speaking your good words.

Johanne Jackson, thank you for telling us Howie and Margaret’s story. Your brother and sisters were their children as well as Josephine Porter’s. I contest anyone trying to say you loved our Uncle Howie only for his assets. Your love and sorrow are true as they come.

Thank you my Aunt Marcella David for standing up and enforcing what your parents and Sister Margaret Porter (Arlene Baker’s mother) truly wanted. Many of your concerned nieces and nephews value your wisdom and knowledge. We were taught to respect our elders.

Malcolm Chubb and your family, standing at the gates of hell and telling the devil to get the h*%@ out of here is the most Honorable Action. Your family stood Tall and Proud. The Creator knows how much your family has given in this fight. Shame on those who question your Noble Intentions. We all thank you for your sacrifice. Niahweha


Francine Jock

Turtle Clan


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