A Voice from the Eastern Door

AMBE Swears-In new board members

The Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education held a swearing-in ceremony on Sept. 19 at the Kana:takon School with Carmella Jacobs serving as Commissioner of Oaths. Nominations for the positions were held on August 17 in each district with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne jurisdiction. In Tsi Snaihne, there were two vacancies and on Kawehno:ke there was one vacancy. For Kana:takon, the Director of Education has recently accepted the resignation of Deborah Thomas.

On Kawehno:ke, Joanne Jocko was nominated and accepted the nomination for a three-year term. In the district of Tsi Snaihne, Theresa Thompson was nominated and also accepted her nomination for a three-year term. Two vacancies will be filled with appointments. Tracy Jacobs of the district of Tsi Snaihne and Connie Hall for the district of Kana:takon will serve one-year terms.

“Its always an exciting time when new board members are sworn in,” said Kawehno:ke District Chief Abram Benedict who also holds the Education Portfolio within MCA. “It’s a demonstration to our communities commitment to our education system, its what we have and will continue to build upon for our children and youth.”

“I accepted the appointment as the Kana:takon board member without hesitation,” said Board Member Connie Hall. “I have been a board member in the past and I know what to expect, I have seen some changes and look forward to working with the board and with our schools to continue to provide quality education to our kids.”

“I have always wanted to serve on the AMBE school board,” said Board Member Joanne Jocko. “This is truly a privilege to be a member.”

AMBE holds monthly public meetings to discuss current issues to plan for school improvement, and to hear comments from parents and other community members.


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