A Voice from the Eastern Door
Letter to the Editor:
The elders always taught us how powerful the Great Law of Peace is and how external forces, for centuries, tried to extinguish its power. From young children on up, we have been taught to respect the elders. We must listen and do as they say, because their interests were always in the wellbeing of our children to come. We were told we never own the land. We are only caretakers for the real owners, the future generations.
Louis and Hattie Chubb were such elders. They taught their children and grandchildren these values. Despite the centuries of attempts to undermine this fire, these teachings survived and hold strong in our community, regardless of religious preference.
Louis Chubb at one time owned much of the land from Beaver Meadow Road to Jock Road. Any family in need was always allowed to live and build on his property. It was never intended to be greedily possessed by one individual or passed out of the family or sold for capital gain.
Three sisters remain from the children of Louis and Hattie Chubb. In a family meeting held a year ago, all three sisters expressed concern over possible elderly abuse being inflicted onto their brother in-law. A concern was also expressed that their parents’ estate was being threatened by a granddaughter.
Through time, there have been relatives who were raised away from our people and culture. They were not taught our law or how to respect our elder’s oral traditions and teachings. They have tried to run things their way with decisions benefiting the here and now and ones-self. They married outsiders and have developed conflicting ideas.
Copies of a highly questionable “legal” document have been circulated. The three sisters agreed that the deed opposed all that was taught by our elders. The sisters and their broken brother in-law recited to their listening children and grandchildren the oral “spoken” will of both their parents and recently-passed sister and wife. They asked for help to secure the last remaining parcel of land. This land was all that was left by Louis and Hattie Chubb for their descendents that were in need of it.
Three months ago, after the unfortunate passing of the sister’s brother in-law, the Matriarch of the family was forced to act. A family in need of better housing conditions was asked to stay at the estate property to sustain the family legacy. Ancestral teachings were at the heart of this.
A sign stating “Not For Sale - Estate of Louis + Hattie Chubb” was erected by the road, warning the Akwesasne community of the status of the property.
A Haudenosaunee flag was hoisted to remind us of the unification of our people by Hiawatha and the Peacemaker. They delivered the Creator’s message for us to unify and form the first true democracy on Turtle Island.
A Warrior unity flag was also hoisted to represent our determination to unite and stand against any oppression and assimilation forced upon us.
During negotiations, mob mentality ensued to destroy our monument honoring our grandparents. For centuries the Canadian and American flag has been stuck in Native land and led to that land being claimed. A command to take our flags down and throw them to the ground was given. However, our monument was not destroyed. Our flags were saved from the hands of our enraged oppressors and hoisted high once again.
One might say that the situation our prodigal cousin is in has been put on her because she was never taught by the elders. She never lived in this community. Her decision-making skills were never developed and were laced with ulterior motives. Her sudden recall that she was native, when the opportunity arose to reap benefit, created the need to remind her of obligations.
Her distressed supporters claiming advantageous influence and a close relationship with an elected tribal chief will be ignored. Her heckling supporters issuing threats with the ability to coerce a tribal police chief will be ignored. Her money that she hoards in her purse that provides her the ability to employ outside legal counsel will also be ignored. Her tight relationship with a former tribal chief that helped her process the questionable “Blue and White Deed” will be ignored. Her tantrum of disbelief in not getting her way will also be ignored.
During early negotiations on this tense subject, “Where is the sense of family?”, was repeatedly asked by certain family members. Family members who through the ages have, at one time or another, ignored and denied relations to aunts, uncles and cousins because of opposing religions. The defense of “I’m your cousin, let me do as I want,” was not accepted.
Our true judge, the Creator, knows of our honorable intentions. The Creator knows of our motivation to preserve what once was. We know the Creator is watching over our elders and we know of the support for us. This message of support was delivered when the Bear Clan Matriarch of our family spotted a bear in the field of Louis and Hattie Chubb’s estate just moments before negotiations turned violent. The same Bear Clan Tota (grandmother) was the first to spot an eagle flying above when negotiations came to a close.
Those brought up to recognize the symbolic signs will see the sacredness of the message given. Others will just see random animals.
We will continue to provide a cure to the Rochester Disease that was brought back to Akwesasne. We will fight the “Blue and White Deeds” that were made out of whole cloth. We will question what rights should those that are sick and have put our community in near-disrepair be given. We will consider pushing banishment on those who continue to abuse their diseased status. So it has been said there is no statute of limitations on war crimes. The attempted massacre of our spirits during negotiations has only made us stronger.
We carried PEACE with us through negotiations. We never incited violent actions, even when we were scratched, slapped, punched, kicked, charged, kneed, stepped on and thrown around.
Our POWER was never given away. All those assuming authority were questioned and then reminded of how it was intended to be and is going to be once again.
RIGHTEOUSNESS sits in our hearts and minds. With peace and true power it was always told that the Right Red Road will easily be seen.
As we walk our Red Road we can see our ancestors above us at the end standing with the Creator. As we walk our Red Road we are confident we will not get lost. As we walk our Red Road we clear the path making it wider and easier to see. As we walk our Red Road, we shall teach and our children shall learn and follow. Follow us on our Red Road, we ask them and we’ll be standing with the Creator and our ancestors to meet you on the Horizon.
Gawahyehntah (Francine Jock) turtle clan
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