A Voice from the Eastern Door
Letter to the Editor,
Greetings to my community of Akwesasne, the Akwesasne Cultural Gathering for the Deaf is being held at the Kanatakon Recreation Center on September 8-10, 2011. Our Hostess and Host for this event will be Tina Francis-Terrance and Teddy Francis Jr.
This gathering is a biennial occurrence for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and First Nation Indians, who are deaf, deaf-blind (or low vision), hard of hearing or late deafened. The Gatherings, which take place in the United States or Canada, allow time for our community members who have a hearing loss to focus on learning about the traditional teachings about the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and cultural aspects of wellness of Native Americans.
Many Natives who have a hearing loss are often unable to communicate well enough with their family members to receive and understand traditional training and information; through these Gatherings we are able to provide fully accessible environments, with the assistance of Native American Oral and American Sign Language Interpreters, to maximize the sharing of tribal knowledge and life ways.
Our priority is tribal family members who need to have communication resources and services to assist their child(ren) or parent who is experiencing hearing loss.
We are seeking out sponsors to help us with the associated costs for this Gathering. A small planning committee made up of Akwesasne Community members with hearing loss and their family members, have been promoting ongoing fund raising events since May of 2010, to date this group has raised approximately $6,792.44 from luncheon sales and monthly 50/50 raffles. We are fast approaching September and feel the need to reach out to our community businesses, agencies and government for assistance whether monetary or in-kind through personnel to assist with transportation, catering, as speakers or to hold workshops. Our costs for approximately 50 participants include transportation to and from the airports (Syracuse and Montreal), to and from the Super 8 Motel in Massena each morning and evening of the Gathering, Oral and American Sign Language Interpreters, facilities rental, food catering, workshop materials, tour boat rental, speakers fees and personnel to host approximately 15-17 children and youth who are registered to attend which requires us to provide a stream of workshops that will be appropriate to their age level and understanding, with a strong focus on crafts and participatory activities to keep their interests. It is our goal to raise $10,000 to $12,000 to cover all expenses.
We greatly appreciate any and all donations you are able to contribute to ensure that we host a successful event. The Akwesasne Cultural Gathering for the Deaf planning committee thanks you in advance for considering helping support this Gathering.
Your contributions will help make it possible for us to share our Cultural heritage with individuals who are deaf, deaf-blind (or low vision), and late deafened who are American Indians, Alaska Natives, and First Nations Indians within a venue that is fully accessible for them to learn.
Please feel free to contact Tina Francis-Terrance, our Chairperson via email @ [email protected] or you can speak to her daughter Kimberly Terrance at 518-521-0783 or email her at [email protected]; also Tina’s cousin Joanne Francis at 613-575-2927 or email her at [email protected] for additional information.
Tina Francis-Terrance
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