A Voice from the Eastern Door

News from around the Nations

British Columbia, Canada

The Supreme Court of Canada unanimously decided that if the tobacco industry is forced to pay damages to the BC government for tobacco-related health care costs, the federal government will not be required to reimburse the tobacco industry for those damages.

The BC government has filed a lawsuit against the tobacco industry for billions of dollars in compensation for health care costs attributed to smoking. The tobacco industry countered by naming the federal government as a “third party defendant,” meaning the federal government would potentially have had to pay damages if the tobacco industry loses the case, but this Supreme Court ruling means that cannot happen.

Montana, United States

The Montana Department of Commerce has awarded 18 American Indian business owners in the state $7,000 each in Indian Equity Fund Grants to help them start or expand their businesses. The total of $119,000 in equity fund grants was delivered to recipients chosen from a pool of 45 applicants. During the first four years of the program, the Montana Department of Commerce and State Tribal Economic Development Commission provided $483,000 to fund a total of 72 business owners.

Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, Saskatchewan, Canada

The Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Chief Guy Lonechild is pleased to announce a $222,447 operating surplus for the 2010 – 2011 Fiscal Year. The surplus will be used to service the FSIN’s accumulated deficit. As of March 31, 2011, the FSIN has remaining an accumulated deficit of $196,385. The Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations represents 74 First Nations in Saskatchewan. The Federation is committed to honouring the spirit and intent of Treaty, as well as the promotion, protection and implementation of the Treaty promises that were made more than a century ago.

13 Alaska Native Corporation, Alaska, United States

For nearly 20 years Alaska Newspapers Inc. (ANI) has published six regional papers reporting stories and community news relevant to rural Alaskans and Native villages across Alaska. ANI is the publisher of The Arctic Sounder, Bristol Bay Times, the Cordova Times, The Dutch Harbor Fisherman, The Seward Phoenix LOG, and the award-winning Tundra Drums. But on July 22, the board of the organization’s parent company, Calista Corporation made the decision to liquidate all six newspapers, its printing company and First Alaskans, a monthly magazine.

Vancouver, British Columbia,


Jeannette Corbiere Lavell, President of the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is calling for a National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Aboriginal women and girls. NWAC was initially concerned about the limited scope of the BC Commission of Inquiry, but chose to participate to bring forward the knowledge and expertise developed through the Sisters In Spirit initiative. NWAC will now seek the support of all Canadian governments, and all Canadians, for a National Inquiry that can effectively examine violence against Aboriginal women and girls, and do so with the full participation of Aboriginal women.

University of North Dakota, North Dakota, United States

A National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) policy issued in 2005 targeted about 20 schools with Native American nicknames including the University of North Dakota (UND) Fighting Sioux. The school has until August 15 to retire the mascot deemed “offensive” by the NCAA, but state lawmakers passed a law earlier this year requiring UND to keep the logo. If the school does opt to keep the Fighting Sioux moniker, it could cause trouble for its athletic teams according to a July 24 Associated Press story, which said the school wouldn’t be allowed to use Fighting Sioux in postseason tournaments or host any of the events.


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