The Saint Regis Mohawk Health Services, in collaboration with the University of Albany, has been conducting a research project to study the impact of environmental contaminants and how they affect the reproductive health of Akwesasne Women. Recently changes have been made to the age guidelines of the project, increasing the scope from 21-35 years old to 21-38. Participants can reside anywhere in the territory of Akwesasne, but must have lived there for most of their lives.
Women in this age range who are not currently taking hormonal birth control and are not pregnant or nursing can participate. The women are followed through one menstrual cycle, typically 25-30 days, depending on the individual. The participant is asked to complete questionnaires, give blood on Day 3 of their period and collect daily saliva samples.
Samples are collected daily in containers provided by the researchers and must be frozen immediately. The samples are then brought into the research office on a weekly basis to also provide other feedback on your diet during the timeframe.
After 100% completion of all project requirements, the participant receives a check for $180. Each participant will receive copies of all results, which includes a detailed breakdown of blood results. Benefits of participating in this study include being able to catch any possible imbalances early, before they become a major health problem. After results are received participants are welcome to make an appointment with clinic staff to go over the results to talk about any concerns that this study might raise.
For more information on how to participate in the study, contact the Saint Regis Mohawk Health Services at 518-358-3141.
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