A Voice from the Eastern Door

Taetewatohtáhrho Ohahaktónkie We ought to clean up along the roads

1. Onkwehshón:’a People

2. Ahkwesáhsne Place of Ahkwesáhsne

3. Ohwéntsia Earth

4. Rati’nikòn:rare They mind

5. Tsi Ratihiatónhkhwa Their office

6. Ionkhihretsiá:rons They are encouraging us

7. Taetewatohtáhrho We all ought to clean up

8. Ohahaktónkie Along the road

9. Kahenta’kéhson Along the grass

10. Kí:ken kakwitè:ne nikahá:wi This spring time

11. Ón:wa iahiakserá:te This week

13. Tsi niiahiàkseres During the weekend (This Saturday)

14. Tsi tewarò:rok Let us collect

15. Katshe’takè:ron Scattered bottles

16. Tsi tewarorókhon Let us collect all

17. Katshe’takehrontákie Bottles along

18. Tetsitewákhw Let us pick up

19. Kahiatonhserakè:ron Scattered paper

20. Tetsitewahkwánion Let us pick it all up

21. Kahiatonhserakehrontákie The scattered papers along the ditches

22. Tetewatohtáhrho Let us clean up

23. Onkwaná:ta Our town

24. Tsi nón:we Where

25. Nitewanákere We live

26. Ionkwanatiióhak Let us have a nice town


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