On Thursday, March 24th, the community showed their support at the awards ceremony for the Prescription Drug Abuse Strategy Video Contest while recognition was given to those who participated and placed in the event. Participants were asked to create a 1-3 minute video explaining why they are drug-free and how they plan on living a drug free life. All who were in attendance looked on as the future leaders of our community shared their stories and goals through the creativity of their videos.
Not only were prizes awarded to winners of the contest, but each registrant in attendance was entered into our door prize drawing to win an Xbox 360 Kinect bundle.
K-6 Winners: Tehokiohkwathe Swamp (1st – 2 Season Passes to Calypso), Kady Sunday (2nd – Nintendo 3DS), Thomas Rourke (3rd – video camera).
7-12 Winners: Adam Oakes (1st – iPad), Cordell Benedict (2nd – Wii Console II), Ken’tarati:ron Arquette (3rd – Sony HD Camera).
Group Winners: The Intensive Preventive Program (IPP) – Tionna David, Brooke George-Mitchell, Anthony Diabo, Secora Oakes, Trevin David, and Taylin David. Each received a Season Pass to Calypso Water Park.
Door Prize Winner: Mercedes Rourke-Rodriquez.
Niawenko:wa to all who assisted in the organization of this contest and congratulations to all who participated in the contest. With your contribution, we can look forward to a healthier and drug-free community!
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