Top 5 Foods That Cause Disease and Make You Fat (Part 2)
Last week I started to review the top 5 foods that can make the human body diseased and fat in no time flat. I started off with naming processed omega-6 vegetable oils as the gold medal winner in this category. Some of these common oils are canola, soy, safflower, corn, sunflower, cottonseed etc. These are most common as primary ingredients in commercial salad dressings, margarines and secondary ingredients in most processed “food like” things.
Although we have never consumed these oils in excess as we evolved, the “experts” of the day continually state that we must keep consuming more of what we have basically never ate in order to be healthy. You can get a better idea of why these oils are unhealthy by viewing the documentary “Fat Head”.
This is more than a common theme these days as most of the population does follow the advice of the “experts” (blindly I might add) and the results speak for themselves. I’m healthy and have never visited a doctor in 20 years, I’ve never taken antibiotics, I don’t take any medication, I haven’t taken a vaccine in 20 years and I get out in the sun without sun block as much as I can (or use a full spectrum non toxic sun block from if I’m out in the sun for more than 1 hour). I also eat organic red meat, organic white meat, organic eggs and organic butter every single day. I eat lots of vegetables, very little fruit and wonder who was the person who decided to invent the famous nutritional phrase “fruits and vegetables”, which gives the general population the impression that both items provide the same benefit to the human body. (they don’t by a country mile) Try cutting down (or cutting out) your fruit for 1 week and watch your weight plummet, your energy soar and your diseases retreat.
The point here is that when you meet a person who’s unhealthy, their unhealthy status is usually based in the addiction to blindly following “expert” directives regarding food, medications, surgeries, healthy living etc. In most cases the experts that are preaching health aren’t even healthy themselves. We’re exposed to so many contradictions today that they’re often hard to identify.
Although it’s obvious that most of the mainstream information actually provides the exact opposite result of what’s claimed, everybody still keeps shoveling the same loads of manure around the farm (patient and health professional alike). If you would like to learn why the mainstream advice of the day will usually get you into the hospital prematurely (and the grave) you can read Dr. Weston A Price’s book “Nutritional and Physical Degeneration”.
The second food like product I will discuss on my list, which will make all who consume it large and sick, is non-organic/gluten containing/processed grain. How unhealthy is this ingredient? How much time do you have and where do I start? This ingredient is known as “wheat flour” or just “flour” in many circles and is common as a primary ingredient in donuts, pastries, breads, pizza dough, muffins, bagels, cookies, cakes, pasta etc. This type of flour is also used as a secondary ingredient in many other processed “food like” things.
The non-organic nature of these commercial processed flours often means not only are these grains lacking base nutrition but also they’re often covered in toxic pesticides. Pesticides come in two major categories, estrogenic or neurogenic. Estrogenic (estrogen based) is like birth control for the bugs and neurogenic kills the bugs out right via neurological toxins (toxins that affect the nervous system) The estrogens and neurological poisons interfere with the same processes in humans. Pesticides are highly toxic and related to many diseases, as can be researched at this website:
The dangers of gluten can be reviewed by going to YouTube and watching Dr. Mark Hyman’s short video titled, “Gluten – What You Don’t Know Might Kill You”. Gluten is a protein fraction found in many grains. Gluten is basically a massive irritant to the digestive tract for many. So irritating in fact that it can literally destroy your ability to digest your food and feed the cells in your body. The only grains that don’t have gluten in them are corn, buckwheat and millet (many people believe quinoa is a gluten free grain but reliable sources say otherwise).
These grains are also carbohydrates, which quickly spike the blood sugar of anyone who consumes them. This rapid rise in blood sugar is the genesis of most major disease today (from type II diabetes to cancer and from high cholesterol to high blood pressure). For the over 300 diseases high blood sugar can cause, you can visit this site:
Next week I will continue with the list. Join me at or join me on facebook at “Jason Christoff – Weight Loss Expert”. Thank you for reading.
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