A Voice from the Eastern Door

Senior Moments

I’ve had a computer for quite a few years and there are some great things about it if I can figure them out. I have to have patience when I’m using it. A few years ago when I had a part time job, my boss was in Ottawa and Judy and I were in Akwesasne. He got us on the Skype program so we could each be at home and have a meeting with him while he was in Ottawa. I followed all the directions and it wouldn’t work. I went step by step and by the end of the second or third go-round I started swearing. “Why do I have to use this blankety-blank program. I can’t make this blankety-blank thing to work, etc., etc.” Then I heard him say, “Relax, Rosemary, I can hear everything you are saying.”

Lately there are some things happening. I got an e-mail from a friend and it said, I’m having problems and I need some money fast. Please send $1,200.00 pounds to this Western Union address in England so I can stay here longer. I had just seen her at the Senior Center in Hogansburg having lunch so I knew it wasn’t her. I wrote her a note back and asked her how much $1,200.00 pounds was in US or Canadian money. Then I heard that another friend got the same note and it bothered her also. When you get note like this you start to think of how you can help your friend.

I just got another e-mail and it was from a colleague who sends me minutes of meetings. It said “I’ve been earning $8,000.00 or $9,000.00 a month and please click on this.” I did and it said, “the money will go right into your bank account”. I had heard on TV that when you send anybody your bank account information they know how to drain your account. I wrote back to her and the notes started getting nastier, calling me “selfish” and other things. I finally heard from her saying they were not from her and that someone had gotten into her e-mail list and was sending these notes to everybody. She had taken her computer in to a professional to get it cleaned of these viruses and that she might have to change her passwords to protect herself. I may have to do the same thing. In the meantime, if anybody gets an e-mail from me asking me to send them money, do not do it. If I need money, I have kids and grandchildren and sisters and a brother and I will get on my knees before them first.


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