A Voice from the Eastern Door

FIRST Lego League Championships Going to St. Louis

The FIRST Lego League Championship was won by the Jefferson Jaguar “Roarbotics” Team at Clarkson University this past December.  The team of grade 5 and grade 6 elementary students has already demonstrated their intelligence, commitment, and ingenuity to win the FIRST Lego League Championship for Robotics.  This competition helps elementary students learn and build upon skills in the areas of team work, commitment, math, science and basic engineering principles.

The FIRST championship team out of Jefferson Elementary is one of only eight teams nationwide to be invited to the Lego League World Festival to be held in St. Louis, Missouri on April 24-30th, 2011.  Again, these 9 students have been chosen as part of only 80 out of 40,000 competitors for this honor.  The team is in a unique position, but being from a small school district in a rural and economically challenging area, they currently don’t have enough funds to attend.

All the students are named in the photo provided, nine in all and almost half from Ahkwesahsne.

The students will be working very hard at fund raising through various activities (TBA) to get to their estimated goal to cover costs of airfare, lodging, food and registration fees.  The team members are all hard workers and also so excited about attending this National event.  Just imagine how much experience and education they will gain.

The Jefferson Roarbotic Team is asking for your assistance with financial support for this worthy cause.  Donations of any amount are appreciated, will help the cause and will be worth every penny.

  Thanking you all in advance for your generous help.    To donate, contact Cecelia King at 613-575-2899, it will be forwarded and delivered to the parent committee at Jefferson.


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