In 2011 Get Back To The Health Basics – Proper Rest
There are 5 basic pillars of health. Those 5 pillars are food quality, proper sleep, clean water, exercise and proper rest. I’ve already reviewed proper sleep, clean water and food quality. I’ve also completely two articles regarding proper exercise. If you would like e-copies of the previous articles please e-mail me personally at
Proper rest is unfortunately something North Americans need to pay more attention to. In our modern society, a pace of lifestyle has been established that’s not sustainable. People are literally dying to keep up with the Joneses. I call this “dying to fit in”.
Our government officials have placed economic growth above all other priorities and it’s our citizens who are paying the ultimate price. We now have both parents out of the home in most cases, running like rabid animals, chasing the almighty dollar. All the while our most precious commodity (our health and the health of our children) sits and rots in the corner.
Our government’s obsession with economic growth taxes our incomes to a threshold where one income can no longer provide the basics. The same obsession with economic growth also sees our society discounting our destruction of mother earth, as profit is produced regardless of consequence. This leaves our most valuable strong hold (the home/house) completely vulnerable to health decay and eventual bankruptcy on all levels. You can’t do anything for your family or society in general from a hospital bed, except bleed the life from both entities drop by drop. What happens when 51% of our population is too sick to produce positive outcomes for our society? We’ll find out soon!
Many people state that they would do anything for their children but a quick look into those peoples’ actions sees this honorable promise translate into little else than a vow to “buy” anything for their children. I literally know parents who would rather enact the violence of liposuction or a gastric bypass on their children rather than sit down twice per week and cook healthy meals for them. As our love is extracted from our society, one drop at a time…more and more people are noticing. The first step to healthy living is to stop making yourself sick.
Would a parent sit and actively rest with their children? Would a parent take a 2-3 hour break to cook a healthy meal for their child? It’s time to change, just to make sure our species makes it another 300 years. More and more people are waking up to these realities. People are looking at themselves in the mirror and they don’t like what they see. A massive change is underway and everyone can feel it.
The “land of the free” is only a saying if you’re not a slave to anything. Are you making life decisions while considering money first and your health last? What force controls you day to day? That force is your master. Are you free? Are you sure?
The greatest asset leaving North America today is the exporting of our self-respect and self-love to never-never land. You can’t love something if you poison it, cut it or abuse it in anyway. Everyone understands that simple sentence but this is what at least 80% of our society is doing to themselves, their planet and their children every single day. If you can find time to slow down and rest (plus use the other 4 pillars of health) all these obvious truths can become crystal clear.
It all starts with you and only you. Get your house in order first, lead by example and then spread health to all around you. Let your perfect health and perfect body shine like a beacon, in order to guide others to shore.
Want inspiration? Visit Jen is a health expert, mother and entrepreneur in Cornwall.
The basics of rest go like this. Everything goes off. No cell phone, no TV and if you can unplug anything electrical it will help. Just lie down and think of anything peaceful or preferably don’t think at all. You can attend events that do this as well in regards to yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, massage, going to a spa, relaxing in a sauna etc. Instead of using your mind as a nervous/erratic-broadcasting antenna (because you have ants in your pants all day) you need to quiet the mind in order to start being a receiver of celestial information.
Watching TV, drinking alcohol, consuming garbage foods, smoking marijuana, watching UFC, gambling and smoking cigarettes don’t relax the body. Those activates only inject more violent and stress hormones into the system. The key is to understand what self-love is and stop hurting yourself as a daily habit. After that, it’s important to learn who’s benefiting when you don’t love yourself. That discovery is something you’ll never forget and I teach that in my LEVEL 1 HEALTH TRAINING Call 613.932.4766 for free registration.
Visit for more information. Thank you for reading this series.
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