The last few weeks Big Brother has been a real sweetheart. I think it may be true that no matter what, boys are their mama’s boys because Big Brother seems to always look out for me even at the young age of six. It’s little things that he does that I notice the most. Like holding doors open for me and sharing his favorite cars with Little Brother to keep the peace. Big Brother genuinely wants to help me out and I have to wonder where he learned to be so compassionate and considerate. He is just like any other six year old who talks back from time to time and tests the limits but lately he seems to be really listening to me. Now when my strictness comes out I feel bad that he doesn’t need stern reminders because he is on task and following rules. He gets a little insulted that I am even reminding him to do anything because as he would say, “I already know mom, I was going to!”
Yesterday I had a really hectic day. Our road wasn’t plowed in the morning so Big Brother was a minute or two late for school. The roads were awful and I slipped and slide all the way to his school. Then I realized when I was helping him out of the truck at school that he forgot his book bag at the front door back at home. I promised him I would drop it off on my lunch break and then got so busy at work I didn’t leave for lunch. He didn’t get his book bag and when I went to pick him up from school at dismissal he reminded me that his homework didn’t get handed in because I never brought his book bag in. The reason I picked him up at dismissal was so I could go back to work and try to stay as late as possible. By the time Big Brother and I were running out to the door and out to the parking lot we were behind schedule to pick up Little Brother from daycare. It was a close call, and I couldn’t call them on my way down because my cell died as I was leaving work because I let Big Brother play games and watch movies on my iPhone so he was entertained my last few hours of work. I couldn’t wait to get my baby from his ‘school’. Little Brother was so happy to see me, he’s never stayed at daycare that long before. It’s been a big adjustment for mommy and baby. But I am grateful he is at a really great daycare. The three of us rushed home so I could try to cook the boys something since it was after five when we got home. My kids are used to eating dinner before five and were starving! After fifteen minutes I remembered they had dentist appointments happening in about five minutes. Big Brother got his jacket and boots on in record speed and ran out to the truck to start it while I fought with Little Brother to get him rested up to go back outside. Poor kids just took their snow gear off and I was making them get back into it. I tried my hardest not to speed since the dental clinic was a twenty-minute drive from home. Luckily they were allowed to still be seen. Then while I was gone I almost had a panic attack because I remembered I had left the stove on. I was starting to boil water to cook for the kids and then left the house so fast I forgot. My husband got home a minute after I left so he shut it off but I still spent the twenty minute drive home thinking our house might burn down. Thank god my husband got home from work when he did because I remembered on the drive back home and guess what? Yeah, my cell was dead! I couldn’t call anyone to go shut it off and I also had the house key. It was freezing out so the kids and I did one last rush into the house. Now I had to figure out what to feed kids. Big Brother took one look at me and started straightening up the living room. He matched up all the shoes at the doorway and lined them up nice and neat. He put all Little Brother’s toys in the toy bin. Put his brother’s and his own books back on the shelf and even cleaned off the countertop and table. I asked Big Brother why was he being so nice to me and he said, “You need a break mommy, I know we just make messes so I am giving you a break. Maybe you should sit down and breathe for little while.” I just about bursted into tears. Being a mother is a tiring, hectic, thankless, dirty, exhausting, worrisome, risk taking job. For a kid who you would do anything for you, to help you out is amazing. It’s the best kind of thank you. I love Big Brother so much; he is going to make a great man someday because he truly sees how busy moms get from time to time and just wants to help.
Before bed Big Brother was being harassed by Little Brother in the oddest way. Little Brother had emptied out the toy bin and wanted Big Brother to wear it on his head. Big Brother entertained the idea for his baby for a while before it was starting to get in the way of his TV time and he didn’t want to be the hat model anymore. Little Brother totally lost it. The two year old in him came out and he threw himself on the floor acting as if his heart had been broken into a million pieces. Without hesitating Big Brother grabbed the toy bin and put it back on his head to cheer up his brother. All I can say after the day I had is that I am so thankful for my sweet little helper!
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