A Voice from the Eastern Door

Pick me a winner

For the last two years I have been on Big Brother to stop picking his nose. If he blew his nose he’d be fine. His reply was, “Well mom I can’t always blow the hard ones that get stuck.” Little Brother now picks his nose religiously during the cold season and has been wiping it on things. I tried to teach Little Brother to blow his nose with a kleenex but he just blows air out of lips mimicking the sound of blowing your nose. Between the two of them I am either about to gag or get out cleaning supplies. Big Brother really thinks he’s sneaky but has been caught doing it in public. My guess is that he’s been digging for gold in school too. Little Brother has already learned it’s kind of gross so after he picks a booger he’ll yell “Eww!” Then try to wipe it on his brother, me, or his dad. I even caught him wiping his boogers under the table. So I looked under the table and found what resembled the gold mine of used chewing gum under a restaurant table. The difference being it was my one year old’s prized boogers under there! As if it weren’t enough that I have to wash the table top, the legs of the table, the chairs and Little Brother’s highchair after every meal time. Now I have to sanitize the bottom of it too.

The other day the boys & I were at Walmart. Big Brother wanted to push the cart while Little Brother was seated in the cart. Having a little helper I was looking at shampoo when all of a sudden Big Brother let out a gagging noise and stumbled backwards a few feet. I thought he was choking or something. Little Brother was laughing hysterically and pointing at his brother. Big Brother then exclaimed, “I ain’t pushing THAT baby anymore! He’s gross mom!” Big Brother had been attacked...Little Brother picked both nostrils with his index fingers and then wiped the snot onto the tops of Big Brother’s hands. Now Big Brother doesn’t want to push a cart because that is prime positioning to the Mucus Monster.

I don’t know if girls could be embarrassed into not picking their nose but boys just laugh and do it anyway. If these kids keep it up I’m going to name them the Booger Brothers. The only thing I can do is shout, “Pick me a winner!” when either of the brother’s are digging and they stop and grab a kleenex.


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