A Voice from the Eastern Door
Top 50 Fat Burning Tips
Today we finish up our top 50 fat burning list, with points 31 to 50. If you happened to miss the first 30 fat burning tips, you can get them by e-mailing me personally at [email protected]. The trend throughout the entire list is simple. When attempting to lose weight or reverse disease you need to participate in loving yourself more and decrease any actions, which increase your suffering.
Analyze your own behaviour and look at your daily habits. Group your actions into categories of body love or body abuse. Skipping meals is a form of body abuse and so is eating processed food. Eating on a regular basis is an act of body love and so is preparing meals with live, whole, organic produce. Smoking, drinking alcohol and staying up past 10:30 are forms of body abuse. Exercising at a pace you can recover from, drinking clean spring water and working only 8 hours per day are forms of body love. Relaxation based exercise like yoga scores the highest for body love. An Iron Man Triathlon scores very low for body love. A 45 minute conventional workout with weights and cardio scores in the middle. The point is, all exercise does not automatically count as body love. There are many people today who use exercise as just another form of abuse. When someone who abuses their body chooses exercise, they are bound to choose an abusive routine because that’s what they’re familiar with. Piercing and tattooing the body are forms of body abuse. A massage and application of non-toxic/organic beauty care products are acts of body love.
When the body is loved, it becomes more healthy. When the body is abused it gains weight and acquires disease. If you are overweight or sick it has nothing to do with your genetics, it’s because you are participating in more body abuse than body love. Getting back into balance is free so everyone can afford it.
Make sure your long term health strategy doesn’t involve cutting the body or poisoning it with medications when it breaks down from decades of body abuse because surgeries and medications are themselves abusive to the body. What drug manufacturers call side effects, are the ways the chemical further injures the body. Unfortunately hurting oneself can become such a strong habit that a person often can’t stop doing it, even when their life depends on it
If you find it easier to hurt yourself than love yourself, all you need to do is take small baby steps toward respecting your body. Use the top 50 fat burning list as your guide. Pick something from the list every week and make it a new habit. After that new habit takes on a permanent role in your life, take another tip from the list and do the same thing with it. For more healthy information please register for my health blog at http://www.jchristoff.com. The best of health to you and your family this holiday season. Make this year your best. Just beyond your greatest fears, your best life is waiting.
31. Avoid piercing, cutting and tattooing the body. Avoid all cosmetic enhancement procedures/surgeries.
32. Keep all your organs intact by living a healthy lifestyle. Avoiding the conventional “sick care” system at all costs.
33. Avoid medical testing for conditions tied to an unhealthy lifestyle. Live a healthy lifestyle so medical tests aren’t necessary.
34. Perform a general cleanse twice per year. Try “My First Cleanse” by the company “Renew Life”.
35. Take a high quality whole food multi vitamin and fish oil supplement every day. Try “Innate Response” brand.
36. Be your own health care provider and be proactive with your health.
37. Educate before you vaccinate – get both sides of the story. E-mail me for research regarding the issues regarding vaccine safety.
38. Take a couple rounds of probiotics per year. Try “Innate Response” brand,
39. Breastfeed your children for 2 years. Wait 2-3 years between child births.
40. Consume healthy fats. Don’t be fat phobic. Educate about healthy fats.
41. Take a shower before bed.
42. Keep a maximum distance from power lines, wireless internet, electric blankets, cell phone towers, cell phones and other electrical devices.
43. Stretch or perform yoga several times per week.
44. Meditate and let yourself, others and the Universe know your deepest wants and desires.
45. Avoid the crowd and the majority. History proves the minority is right, in most cases.
46. Avoid believing/trusting in academia without concrete proof that it will provide the exact results you are looking for. (avoid seeking pain by avoiding body abuse)
47. Limit time in chlorine/bromine pools/hot tubs etc. Eliminate all tap water based products to avoid toxins.
48. Sweat weekly in a dry sauna, infrared sauna, hot sun, playing sport etc.
49. Luffa sponge your skin all over once per day.
50. Always think positive and socialize with positive people who create their dreams
Top 50 Fat Burning Tips
Anything that stresses your body will increase fat storage and decrease toning. The metabolic system in your body that deals with stress uses fat as its’ main fuel source so the more stressed you are the more your body will store extra fat.
The body adapts to stress by increasing hormones that accelerate fat storage and decreasing hormones responsible for fat burning. Stress is basically anything that threatens your life in the short term or the long term.
For example, bad sleep habits are stressful on your body but so is eating non organic processed foods. Worrying about your finances is stressful but so is over exercising. All of those are proven to cause fat gain.
The common foundation of all stress is again, anything that holds the potential to end your life prematurely. Your body is not a machine. Your body can only function properly and be healthy under certain conditions. Don’t let anyone convince you that hurting the body will ever make it run better. (ex. medications, surgeries, radiation etc)
The fat burning tips below simply reduce stress on your metabolism and that’s why they work so well at burning fat. Some of the tips below may be obvious and some may not be obvious. If you adopt them into your lifestyle you will observe that they do indeed work well at toning the body, reversing the aging process and burning fat.
Although some tips will leave you wanting more, you can either investigate the suggestions yourself on the internet or simply e-mail me at [email protected] for more information.
Today we review points 16-30. If you want more healthy information like this please register for my personal health newsletter at http://www.jchristoff.com
16. Avoid Toxins – use only sea salt - never table salt (sodium chloride)
17. Get 15 minutes of raw sun light (no sun block) over your whole body daily
18. Use a full spectrum non-toxic sun block if working or playing in the sun for longer periods of time (you can get this at http://www.mercola.com)
19. Get to bed by 10:30 and get up with the sun
20. Look at the sun rise and thank the sun for the life it provides when possible
21. Don’t watch TV
22. Get a massage on a regular basis
23. Have sex frequently – flirt frequently - don’t judge yourself or others - enjoy what it’s like to be human
24. Exercise 3-6 times per week at an intensity that you can recover from
25. Avoid chronic walking or jogging if your goal is to lose weight and tone up
26. Brush and floss after every meal – use a Sonicare tooth brush
27. Learn how to soak and/or sprout all nuts and seeds prior to consumption (you can get information on soaking and sprouting nuts, seeds and grains free on YouTube)
28. Get an air filter for your bedroom or even the entire home
29. Build houses or perform house renovations with non toxic wood, stone products or other non toxic building materials
30. Read before bed. Focus on books that help master relationships, your personal finances and your health
Have a great holiday season. Feel free to e-mail at anytime and [email protected]
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