A Voice from the Eastern Door

Dear Editor

Dear Editor,


Last week Keith N. Terrance expressed some thoughts about our problems with New York State, though I think his discussion is misleading. Some of the issues he raised cannot be lumped together in the same legal discussion. Gaming and our right to economic development through retailing are separate issues.

As a tribal member and an advocate for Tribal policies as they relate to specific State/Tribal agreements involving gaming, I have to say that Keith’s interpretation of Chief Mark Garrow’s role in protecting our casino is wrong.

I believe Chief Garrow is fulfilling his duties as an elected official responsible to no one but us, the Tribal membership. It is wrong to say that Mark is attempting to “facilitate NYS’s agenda” (what ever that means) as Keith has wrongly claimed.

Sure it is a shame that Ganienkeh has to bear a brief stint in the spot light as the culprit in usurping our exclusive right to gaming. Believe me, Ganienkeh is a big boy and can take care of itself.

We are not throwing Ganienkeh under the bus; it is New York who threw our tribe under the bus.

Further, it was tribal members at a monthly tribal meeting that demanded the Tribal Council protect our gaming exclusivity; can Ganienkeh be impacted by their role in this issue? I doubt they will ever be impacted by New York State on this issue. Ganienkeh is a state recognized land trust with a long history of good relations with the State.

Personally, I don’t care if it is Ganienkeh who is responsible for breaching our exclusivity, or some Baptist church running a charity casino night…New York promised us exclusivity and they failed to deliver, I don’t think anyone ever said or will ever condone a strategy that involves NY State taking any illegal action against what Keith believes to be an “enclave of peaceful Mohawks”. That is simply ridiculous.

Keith’s insinuations are misplaced. Chief Mark Garrow is not acting alone and he should be supported as he and the rest of Council by the way, move to protect our well being and collective rights.


Ray Cook


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