A Voice from the Eastern Door

“Weight Loss and Health Secrets with Jason Christoff”

Get To The Root - In Order To Lose Weight and Get Healthy

As a weight loss and health consultant my job is not only to get my clients to their health related goals, it’s also to study each client’s situation in order to identify trends in their behavior.

Those potential trends can prove valuable if they can be used to better understand why a person gains weight or has a particular disease. From what I have observed over the past several years, some trends are crystal clear.

The act of hurting oneself with food or lifestyle does have many layers. What I try to do is to always get down to the bottom layer or the “root” of why a person eats in an unhealthy way, even though they know it’s bad for them. Why can’t people just stop hurting themselves? I never give up trying to understand why people treat themselves the way they do and recently I have come to a new deeper layer of understanding.

From where I sit every day I see people hurting their bodies because they have been programmed with a very low-grade, chronic disrespect for themselves and their bodies. From that platform of disrespect, chronic abuse of the body is guaranteed with bad food and bad lifestyle. Not only does this low-grade disrespect cause the person to completely insult their bodies when they are young but it also guides them to more abusive options when their bodies fall ill from the bad lifestyle choices.

For example, take a person who is unhealthy because they participate in chronic abuse of their body. Now, when the body breaks down due to this lack of body respect the person often pursues options where the body is poisoned, cut or further violated like in the case of medications, surgeries or even self deprivation of food during a radical diet. The lack of body respect is also evident in the their solutions. When the body fails them, they just take the attack to a higher level. It makes no sense yet it’s so common people often can’t see it unless I point it out to them.

All medication side effects indicate their poisonous actions in the body. Your grand mother’s organic soup doesn’t come with any side effect list because things that support the body never do. Only things that attack the body cause negative side effects within the metabolism. So what starts as “body attack” and “body abuse” leads to an escalation of attack and abuse when the bad lifestyle manifests as physical or mental disease.

To me this is a concrete truth that can’t be argued. You see it everyday and from my observation the great majority of North Americans are knee deep in this abuse and body disrespect cycle. Why is this occurring?

Who has taught us as children that the body should be treated with such disrespect? Why do people believe that the answers to their health problems are going to be found in cutting, poisoning or hurting the body further? Why do people not love themselves enough to care for the only body they will ever have? Where does this low-grade simmering hatred for themselves come from, where the cure for body damage is to damage the body more?

If a person hates himself or herself enough to abuse the body in a chronic way it can certainly explain why many of the same people don’t believe they’re worthy of having the best life has to offer. People thinking they just don’t deserve a healthy body is a common theme within the weight loss industry yet no one has really provided a good explanation of why it occurs or what to do about it. I think I have the start of what could be the answer.

From where I stand a large group of people have been programmed with the idea that the body is a flawed organism, which needs violent forms of forceful coercion just to make it through life. This belief appears to he the platform from which people have no problem hurting themselves and then hunting down “health” options that further hurt themselves. When the body is portrayed as the babbling, clumsy, inept, village idiot who is too dumb to make it’s own way through life then hurting it just becomes that much easier.

What cultural institutions teach us that the body is flawed right out of the gate? I will give you a hint. It has do to with one institution that declares your body is a genetic time bomb waiting to go off and another institution that marks you as a sinner for doing things all humans do anyway.

In the next article I explore why more “self love” is needed to heal the body when it’s ill and how to fight the programming, which falsely convinces you that your body is bad.


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