Being home with your kids really gives you the chance to get to know them. You could be a stay-at-home mom or a working mom it doesn’t matter. I found that rainy days are perfect opportunities to bond and take it easy with each other. Listening to rain fall on your roof, or watching it through the window are times that even though we may not be talking we are enjoying the sights and sounds together. Light rain usually just plays as the back round noise while I find indoor activities for us to do like color, read book after book and this month it’s been carving pumpkins. Closer to naptime Big Brother and Little Brother each snuggle into a side of me and we’ll watch a kid show like Sesame Street or one of our favourite Disney movies. Little Brother is not really one for watching a whole movie because he falls asleep. It’s like he sat still for too long in my arm and just crashes out.
Heavy downpours of rain are what really gets the attention of the boys. They hear big raindrops pounding down on our roof and run to the window to see. Thunder and Lightning gets them all excited and they run around the house going from room to room when the loud booms and bright flashes occur. I asked Big Brother why they do that and he told me, “We are trying to see what room Lightning is the loudest and best from.” I don’t think Little Brother is on the same mission as Big Brother but he is happy to be following and running from every where in the house no matter what.
In the summer the boys would want to run out in the rain. As long as it wasn’t really storming and was only rain not Lightning out I’d get them dressed to go play. You know the days where it’s a humid eighty degrees and you don’t get cold, just cooled off. They want to run through newly forming puddles and slip in the grass. I found a way to water proof my camera with a wal-mart bag and got some alright pictures of them doing the same thing I did when I was little. One time they got what they really wanted a downpour. The kind where a few seconds soak you. That day they acted like brothers enjoying the same summer weather, not arch enemies. When I got them in the house and dried the two of them off they both crashed out on the couch like puppies. One leg over the other’s arm. A head on another’s foot. If you saw them and didn’t know them you would think that they were best buddies, but I know them and they fight like cats and dogs constantly unless like the old English saying it is raining cats and dogs!
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