•• The Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Grand Council, passed a resolution in the middle 1980’s making the Iroquois Nationals the national team of the Haudenosaunee nations. Since that year the Iroquois Nations, field lacrosse, have participated in the World Games as sponsored by the International lacrosse Federation.
The Iroquois Nationals are a full member of the International lacrosse Federation along with 23 other nations including the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, and England. The Iroquois Nationals are a part of the original Six Nations (as listed) and then the ILF Board of Directors, comprised of representatives from different nations, have accepted other nations called developing nations. Some developing nations include Germany, Czechoslovakia, the Zealand, Italy, Scotland and others.
In 2008, the ILF and the World Women’s Field Lacrosse Association combined and became the Federation of International Lacrosse. This new organization will oversee and govern the World Game tournaments for the men’s’ /women’s’ level, 19 and under men’s/womens, and other age groups.
In 2010 the World men’s field games will take place in Manchester, England. The World Games open on July 15 with the Iroquois Nationals playing England. This is a real rivalry game as the Iroquois Nationals have beaten England in the last 3 World Games (men and 19 and under) England is out to beat the Nationals.
The Iroquois Nationals will be busy in the next 2 years with the Men’s World Box Games in 2011 in Czechoslovakia and the 19 and Under (young men) in 2012 in Finland.
The World Box Games were first held in Toronto in 2003. The ILF/FIL accepted World Box lacrosse after much lobbying by Canada as representative Stan Cockerton of the OLA. World Box was held in 2007 in Halifax, Nova Scotia and now 2011 in Czechoslovakia where box lacrosse is growing.
The Iroquois Nationals have come in second, after Canada, for each World Box tournament (2003, 2007).
There were several tryouts for the 2010 Men’s team. The try outs were held in the different geographic areas of the Haudenosaunee country.
The final roster is as follows:
Sid Smith
Charles Jacobs
Isaiah Kicknosway
Ryan Burnham
Alexander K. Hill
Ron Cogan
Brett Bucktooth
Aaron Printup
Jerome Thompson
Tom Montour
Jeremy Thompson
Mike Lazore
Craig Point
James Cathers
Drew Bucktooth
Peter Jacobs
Cody Jamieson
Roger Vyse
Delby Powless
Gewas Schindler
Marty Ward, Spencer Lyons
The Head Coach is Cam Bomberry with several assistant coaches. The team leaves on July 11th and returns on July 25th. The games start on July 15 and end on July 24th. The Nationals fundraise by fundraising events and donations. The Confederacy Nations do contribute what they can financially afford.
Please watch/listen for scores on the radio/Indian Time newspaper. To find out when the tryouts are for the World Box team and 19 and Under please listen to the radio.
For more information go to the website: Iroquoisnationals.org.
Local bard members are Frank David and Barbara Barnes.
More next week: rules of FIL
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