A Voice from the Eastern Door

Be grateful

With the ability to spend more family time outdoors, I have been spending more time on laundry and sweeping. A fair price to pay for the chance to sit down while the boys play outside. Big Brother is the easy one while outside and Little Brother is the one to chase.

While Big Brother jumps on the trampoline, Little Brother walks underneath. I have to crawl under there to get him out so Big Brother doesn’t jump on him. While Big Brother plays with his cars in the sand, Little Brother is stomping out the little sand roads or running away with the best car. While Big Brother catches bugs, Little Brother tries to eat dirt or worms. So like I said, Big Brother is the easy one. The most relaxing thing when we are outside is Big Brother driving his power wheels around with Little Brother as his passenger. There is no crying or fighting and I can sit down and watch them be brothers.

When it’s time to mow the yard I am followed by first Big Brother and his big truck. He likes to follow behind in the fresh cut grass. Last time he had nice new white sneakers on and turned them green. Little Brother is second and a little farther behind Big Brother trying to keep up, pushing his own little truck. If I have to stop and back up with the mower, both boys take a break on their knees. So not only do they get grass stains on their clothes and shoes but their skin as well. They could do this the whole time I’m mowing. When I get closer to the road Big Brother loses interest and will wander off to do something else. Little Brother sees the driveway and runs over to it. While looking right at me he’ll lean towards the road in a “come get me I’m going to run” gesture. Of course as soon as I step foot towards him he takes off towards the road and that is when I give up mowing and carry Little Brother to the farthest side of the yard. Once he gets a foot in the driveway all he wants to play is the “I’m going to run towards the road” game.

It’s exhausting, I usually just end up taking him in the house when this starts.

Getting bit by a mosquito signals that it’s time to go back n the house. Big Brother will listen when I say it’s time but Little Brother has to be chased down. Kicking, screaming and flailing all his limbs until he’s back in the house. He’ll be in tantrum mode for a few minutes but quickly forgets once I hand him a juice cup, and he quenches the thirst he didn’t realize he had worked up. In all that flailing and kicking, Little Brother gets mud or sand from his shoes all over the place. One time I thought I was smart to get his little shoes off before putting him down. Thinking that I was going to save myself a little cleanup. Little Brother picked up both shoes and threw them on the white couch. Yes, he had just been stomping around in the last mud puddle.

This week Big Brother took his independence a step further. He announced on Monday that he would be getting himself dressed. He went in his room and shut the door. After a few minutes he came back out so proud he was bouncing. He had gotten himself all ready and excitedly exclaimed, “I even put fresh underwear on!” It was so funny and from now on if my kid isn’t matched it’s ok. Little Brother being the climbing monkey that he is has mastered getting on the kitchen table chairs. He has also become obsessed with sitting or standing on the kitchen table. At first I was amazed that he got himself up on the chair.

Getting on the table was too much for me. He wants to stand on there and do a dance. We have been forced to lay our chairs sideways on the floor so Little Brother doesn’t climb every second of his day. Now when company comes over I’ll have to explain that there has not been an earthquake but this is a safety precaution. I can only imagine what this boy will climb next, no actually I can’t because he has climbed everything!

When your kids are running around with their muddy shoes on be glad they had a yard to play in. While chasing down your defiant toddler be glad he can walk, some can’t. While your children scream and cry to go back outside just think they love the outdoors. Remember while walking around town with your 5 year old who is wearing really fancy dress pants with his rain boots and a belly shirt be proud that he’s finally dressing himself.

And when you’re arguing with your kid be glad he can talk to you, there are kids who aren’t able. For all the things your children do to make you proud, run and problem solve just remember to be grateful.


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