A Voice from the Eastern Door

Hang on

When you have kids you really can lose touch with friends. Especially if they have some of their own. I find that time just gets away from you. Before you know it the week is over, and sometimes the whole month. It seems that way for me anyways. Little Brother is so busy and Big Brother now has sports. Making plans to meet up almost always falls through because if the kids don’t have their schedules going full throttle someone is sick.

Last week was pretty tiring. Little Brother got a new tooth every day for six days straight. I couldn’t ask my husband to stay up with him just once because he needs his rest for work. In the night as I tried to soothe Little Brother and keep him quiet from waking his Big Brother or father I was wondering why would he only sleep in my arms. I sometimes complain that Little Brother doesn’t act like a baby but he sure was for the week. Wanting to be held and rocked almost constantly, I won’t be complaining about his independent little attitude now. I am not a big fan of Tylenol. My kids don’t need it when they get needles because they don’t run fevers. Well that’s what their pediatrician has me believing. Even when they are sick they still want to play and be as active as they are when they aren’t sick. Getting some advice from my own cousin about motrin for teething pain was right up my alley. A dose could last up to 8 hours I heard. The fourth day in between tooth three and four of the week I was out looking for this new magical motrin. Wouldn’t you know it, it was recalled. I could not even break down to buy some baby Tylenol because it was also taken off the shelves. Well I tried, Little Brother got by on popsicles, teethers, my shirt and cold washcloths.

When the teeth were done. I tried to make plans again to just go out visiting but Big Brother had a long weekend off from school. He had two lacrosse games. One in town and one an hour and a half away. By the time Monday came around I forgot who I even wanted to visit. Making a strict appointment to hang out would be better. Maybe I’ll do that and make it!

As I was in what you would call the trenches of wiping snot, bouts of diarrhea, talking back and two picky eaters trying to sneak away to take a shower I got a pleasant surprise. I had a hectic morning following a busy week of Little Brother teething and having the runs. Big brother was home from school and basically yelling about Little Brother while I tried to clean house. My cousin who lives closest to me just came over. Ahh finally a grown up to talk to. Well just my luck the unthinkable happens. As she walks in I’m on my way to change the baby. I tell her I’ll be just a minute. I take Little Brother’s diaper off and he poops everywhere! All over himself, my hands, the change table, the dresser. I shout to her that I’ll be one more minute as I run a tub just enough to get him cleaned up and presentable. I wash him up and just get him dried off…He pees all over the bathroom! Finally after waiting for probably 10 minutes I can talk to my cousin. She just patiently waited while I dealt with that crisis. Oh and did I mention during that I was fighting with my 5 year old to put more clothes on because he thought since he wasn’t going to school he could hang around all day in his underwear. He wanted to argue that it was just family, he had no school and technically he was dressed. Yes, I was having a fabulously hectic day and just what I need walked in the door. A fellow mom who could hang out and try to have a conversation with me. As I sat there in all my unshowered, snot wiping, poop smelling glory I was glad to have a mom friend come hang out while I was just yelling “Hang On!”


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