A Voice from the Eastern Door

Update and Thank You

Thank you goes out to each of the community members who attended the dinner for Sister Kateri.  It was so welcoming and a very enjoyable gathering to honor our beloved Delia.

There are many people that are to be acknowledged for their involvement in putting together this event and want to recognize all the effort put forth on that day.

Monica Jacobs represented the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe in congratulating Sister’s accomplishment, one of many.  A beautiful letter was read thanking Sister Kateri for all the wonderful things she has done in her life for people of the world.  Peter (PJ) Herne, representing the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Justice Division, gave a beautiful introduction to Sister Kateri. He provided an enormous amount of background about the life of Sister Kateri and Katherine Drexel for all the people who were present.  The dinner served was donated by the Kateri Circle with a delicious potluck traditional meal.  

The Kateri Circle is continually busy to help keep the funding growing to assist in conference travel and costs.  There is a weekly bingo at the fire hall on Sundays from 2-4 pm. Presently; the jackpot is a little over $1,000.00. So, if you feel lucky, come and play.  There is also a 10-week Club that has started and gives a person 10 chances to win. The prize is for $100.00 a week. It will run until May 23, 2010.  See any Kateri Circle members to buy a chance for the remaining weeks.  The winners so far are 1-Mike Gray, 2-Jerry Lazore, 3- Caroline Tarbell, 4- Darren Cook, 5- David Day.

For anyone who would like to send a card or a send congratulatory letter to Sister Kateri, her address is:

Kateri Tekakwitha Conference

Sister Kateri

Box 6768

Great Falls, Montana 59406-6768

Sesi King


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