A Voice from the Eastern Door
We ended last article by making sure all readers were well aware that in the recent and ancient past the sun was used medically to help cure everything from depression to mass infection. Up to 100 years ago an urban engineers’ responsibility was to design street plans with the sun and seasons in mind. Urban streets plans were optimally designed to maximize sun exposure for the citizens and the buildings in which they were housed. Architects, who were in charge of medical building design, were well aware of how important the sun and fresh air was for the protection of the staff and the healing of the sick inside the facility.
Today a disease epidemic is upon us. Could the answer to many diseases be to simply live like our ancient ancestors? Could the answers be so inexpensive and literally right in front of us? Could it be that our body’s simply evolved around being in the sunlight and that being out of the sunlight is actually contradictory to our human genetic code? Is the medical industry and pharmaceutical giants avoiding natural cures because you cannot bottle, patent or prescribe anything that comes from nature? How often does conventional medical advice work at making people healthier?
Does it make sense that the Sun only now has the ability to hurt us after protecting us this far into our journey on the planet? Why are skin cancer or depression epidemics absent from our history books if the ancients didn’t have sun block or anti depressants? Who has more skin cancer, depression or bone decay…..ancient societies or our society? How did the indigenous populations of North America make it without medical drugs, sun block, low fat dairy or vaccines? What is the track record when “science” gets involved and common sense is put to the curb?
Most conventional sun blocks stop only UVB. (Sunlight is made up of both UVA and UVB) UVB is what causes sunburn. Block the UVB with sun block and you don’t burn. Sounds logical…right? Not really……and here is why.
When you use sun block it means that the UVB light is blocked out as the UVA is allowed to impact at full force. UVA then penetrates very deeply into the skin. Blocking one and not the other is very unnatural. Yes, anything unnatural/segmented/processed is something that your body will logically have little defense against only because its’ protection mechanisms against sunlight have been derived from 1-3 million years of real unprocessed sunlight exposure.
Any foreign substance from Tylenol (not found naturally anywhere on Earth) to an unnatural spectrum of sunlight means your internal evolutionary genetic programming is now at a severe disadvantage or useless altogether. As a society we are so used to processing our food (and excepting of the disastrous results that come with that) that we don’t really give the processing of sunlight a second thought.
A user of conventional sun block only has protection from sun burn (UVB) and not from some forms of skin cancer that are linked to over exposure of UVA. The UVA would be getting through. The body’s natural browning of its’ skin is all that protects it from many cancers, including skin cancer. The changing of the skins’ color is the body’s natural defense against the Sun, as the darker the skin becomes the less UV light it absorbs. Ironically it is UVB that is responsible for the change in skin color and thus it is the UVB that helps turn the skin a darker color to protect it from additional UV absorption. With the UVB being blocked the skin is not permitted to deepen its’ color and protect itself from the Sun. It is also UVB that is responsible for producing vitamin D. Vitamin D is also linked to protecting the human body from some forms of cancer.
In short the skin will burn without conventional block but that is when you are supposed to get out of the sun anyway. Pain means “stop doing what you are doing”. Pain hurts for a reason. UVB darkens the skin and helps the skin produce vitamin D. Both protect us from the sun and from various forms of cancer. Use a full spectrum non toxic sun block like the one sold by Dr. Joseph Mercola or don’t use any…….just get out before you burn your skin.
The steepest rise and the largest incidents of melanoma (very lethal form of skin cancer) have appeared in Queensland Australia where the medical community first endorsed the use of sunscreens. Area surrounding Queensland, where the medical advice was not so highly promoted, have significantly less cases of melanoma. The native population of southern Argentina is directly under the hole in the ozone layer and has little increases in any forms of skin cancers, even though they routinely wear little clothing in the summer months.
Nothing sells a product faster then fear, mixed in with some medical industry endorsements. I encourage a full reading of the book “The Healing Sun” by Richard Hobday in order to get the full spectrum of historical information regarding the sun.
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