A Voice from the Eastern Door

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the editor:

Reaching Out ...

The Native American Indian program is reaching out to the Mohawk community of Akwesasne for donations of items that can help meet their religious needs by encouraging its members to understand the principles and tradition of the Haudenosaunee way-of-life. The group is in need of the following items:

• horn rattles*

• wooden “water drum” w/stick**

• Iroquois Social Dance tapes on cassette***

• old VHS Videos

• Native American books - if possible, Longhouse teachings

• old Akwesasne Notes or other native publications

• Mohawk language tapes on cassette

The above donations can be mailed directly to:

Haudenosaunee Community

c/o Clint Shenandoah, Native American Chaplain Cayuga Correctional Facility

2202 State Route 38A, P.O. Box 1150 Moravia, NY 13118

Please kindly know that all donations will be greatly appreciated and call: 315-497-1110 ext. 4341 to see if, someone has already committed to donating or selling the needed horn rattles and water drum that will be used for ceremonies and practice.

We take this time to say, “niawen:kowa” to Indian Time for printing this article and to all those that read it and make a donation.

*Group is willing to pay a small fee for at least six (6) large rattles.

**Group is willing to pay a small fee for a good homemade water drum.

*** In big demand: The three (3) cassette tape collection (Volume 1,2, & 3) of the Standing Arrow Singers.


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