A Voice from the Eastern Door
What you don’t know about conventional sun block or the sun? Part 1
What is your knee jerk reaction to sun block? Today many citizens are unaware of the mass benefits unprocessed sunlight can provide. A history of sunlight and its’ beneficial properties have been the subject of wide investigation throughout the ages. In 1903 the Noble Prize for Medicine went to a doctor who studied heliotherapy (the art of healing with the sun)
Many ancient cultures routinely took advantage of this low cost and completely natural method to increase vitality and fend off disease. The Greek word “gymnasium” means a place for naked exercise or training. The strongest athletes and warriors were always the ones who bared as much skin as possible to the sunlight.
The Greek historian Herodotus noticed that the skulls of Egyptians (left on the battle field) were so thick they could not be crushed even with large rocks. The Persians, on the other hand, had skulls (left on the battle field) that could be crushed by the hand of a weak man. The Persians’ traditional clothing covered all parts of the body, even the head. The Egyptians wore little cloth coverings throughout their lives and made it a habit to sunbath in order to increase strength and prevent disease.
A study of 500,000 troops in the Austrian Federal Army proved that women who got pregnant in the early summer months produced taller babies because the sun helps the fetus grow faster. The rate of growth of a human is the quickest in the first 3 months after conception and the first 3 months after delivery.
A tradition among European society was for a June wedding in order that potential pregnancies receive the amazing healing and protective powers of sunlight. June and July conceptions would also ensure the child had the benefit of being born when the winter was ending and the sun again began to shine.
It was well known among even the most common members of European society that sunlight helped maintain a good clean bacteria free environment. Babies born in the winter, without the benefits of summer sunlight, had a very high chance of dying from infection.
The Pharaoh Akhenaten in 1300 BC wrote on the side of his tomb that he encouraged all pregnancies to occur during mid summer in order that the unborn child receive full strength and benefit from the summer sun.
Architects of the ancient world (up too 100 year ago) were forced not only to have a background in engineering but in medicine, as well, because of a responsibility each architect had to the health of the buildings’ occupants. Hospitals were always designed in order for the sun to flood the interior of the building for as much time as nature would allow. City designers were forced to design street plans and restrict building heights in order to maximize sun exposure of the citizens.
In 1956 a nurse of the Rochford Hospital in Essex England discovered that babies with jaundice (excess bilirubin) had their yellow skin turn white as the sunlight broke down the toxic compound. A full recovery was almost a certainty when the nurses brought each infected child into the sunlight.
Up until 1935 the design of medical and residential buildings were based on the health of the citizens and not the profit. Do you think the new hospital wing in Cornwall has any design that makes use of the sunlight to kill bacteria, decrease depression, speed recovery, aid in less sick days of the nurses, reduce cholesterol or reduce cancer?
Is there an area dedicated to where a good number of patients can get sunlight and fresh air. If not, how much space has been dedicated to the storage of drugs, which mask the symptoms of diseases, our ancestors had little to little problem with. (Osteoporosis, high blood pressure, depression, infections, funguses, skin cancer etc) Why all the charity fundraisers when natural cures are free of charge?
We have only stopped using the healing power of the sun in the last 70 years? How are we doing in relation to health improvement under the new system of taking pills and hiding from the sun? Do you see more sick people or less sick people today? How do you feel after 20 minutes in the sun? I sunbath when ever I can, no block and I make sure never to burn my skin.
If you are going down south this week make sure to order some full spectrum (non toxic) sun block from Dr. Joseph Mercola’s website. Conventional sun blocks are often chalked full of cancer causing compounds. You could also pick up “The Healing Sun” by Richard Hobday so you can discover, for yourself, the healing benefits of sunlight. Next week I will review some other very interesting observations about the giver of life …our sun.
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