A Voice from the Eastern Door

Weight Loss and Health Secrets with Jason Christoff

The War on Cancer is fighting the wrong enemy

Cancer is constantly marketed as a chance happening or a disease version of “pulling the shortest straw”. There are many reasons why cancer is marketed like this and there are many other reasons why the general public is willingly to accept this theory.

Although research, as far back as the 1930’s, concretely documents cancer as being directly related to the ingestion of unnatural chemicals the cancer industry continually avoids the “supply” side of cancer and almost focuses solely on expensive (yet highly ineffective) treatments. Research as to the causes of cancer is thoroughly documented in the book The Secret History of the War On Cancer.

By marketing cancer as a chance occurrence, high profit treatments and testing equipment manufacturers are positioned for a windfall of future earnings by ensuring their patients never address the lifestyle factors that initiate cancer growth. This means remissions are kept short and the chance of reoccurrence is high.

If you list all the compounds proven to cause cancer, you will only see unnatural chemicals and chronic stressors. If you list all the compounds proven to reverse cancer, you will only see natural compounds (from food) and activities that reduce stress in the body.

In a script that could only be written within the North American medical system, radiation and chemotherapy treatments are by themselves carcinogenic. This is common knowledge in the cancer field yet this information is rarely (if ever) shared with cancer patients. This means that 2 out of 3 conventional treatments for cancer (the other being surgery) have the potential to cause more cancer.

It is hard to figure out what is more shocking in regards to that issue. Is it more shocking that many cancer patients don’t know this or that patients appear OK with it, if they somehow find out on their own? If cancer patients don’t know that some of their treatments cause more cancer, do they not have the right to know and why is this information not prominently displayed?

By marketing cancer as a chance occurrence industrial polluters are conveniently keep out of the cross hairs and the government agencies, who do a dismal job at protecting the public, never come under scrutiny.

By marketing cancer as a chance occurrence conventional doctors are let off the hook in regards to providing any explanations as to why the cancer started in the first place. This again feeds the reoccurrence potential as doctor and patient only focus on treatment and not the causes, which could actually be lurking in the patient’s kitchen cupboards. The evidence as to why cancer occurs is so large it could fill a football stadium but cancer patients are consistently kept at arm’s length from it.

I talked to a close friend last year and he told me a family member was struck with cancer. He went on to explain that he had to pull some strings but he had managed to acquire the #1 oncologist in Canada for that particular type of cancer. There are oncologists who discuss the controllable factors that can aid in driving cancer from the body so I inquired, “Did your doctor discuss with your family the factors that can cause the cancer?” I received a disappointing, “They are not sure what causes it, no one seems to know but we start treatment this week.” All I was thinking was, “If that is the #1 doctor, heaven help us all.” How can you know how to treat something without knowing what causes it?

My friend called me this time last year and told me he was given 6 weeks to live by his oncologist. I told him to calm down and read Dr. Russell’s Blaylock’s book Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients. He is cancer free today so why didn’t the oncologist document his recovery so others could find out how to beat cancer? Why isn’t Dr. Blaylock’s book given to all cancer patients?

By marketing cancer as a chance occurrence the public is lulled into thinking the best they can do is raise money for the disease by walking, shaving their heads and feeding cancer causing hot dogs and pop to each other.

Should anyone be telling these people that cancer is controllable and that they might want to lose weight, stop eating processed foods and eliminate the household of all chemicals? Are we afraid to play the blame game with cancer because the finger may be pointing right back at ourselves? Our genes have not changed in 100,000 years so how did cancer go from effecting 1 in 30 (in 1900) to effecting more then 1 in 2 today?

For more documented cancer reversal stories please view the documentaries Rethining Cancer and The Beautiful Truth. You can also visit my blog at http://www.whathappenedtohealth.blogspot.com/ for more information on how to reverse cancer.


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