A Voice from the Eastern Door

Letter to the Editor

January 15, 2010

In the wake of the latest tragedy involving the loss of one of our young people the Kanienkehaka Kaianererehkowa Kanonhsesne share in the grieving and offer condolences to the family, loved ones and the entire community.

While such tragedies should never be used to cast judgments and criticisms at anyone, the events and circumstances surrounding this loss compels the Men’s Council of the Kaianerehkowa Kanonhsesne to reiterate certain positions clearly expressed several times leading to these events on issues related to them.

Although specific events at Tony’s All In Lounge were specifically sanctioned by this council on behalf of the Kaianerehkowa Kanonhsesne, including concerts and sporting events, at no time has the sales and distribution of alcohol ever been included in any part of those approvals or permissions. While it is not our nature to forbid or take specific action to stop such activities, it has been suggested on several occasions by this Council that the serving of alcohol at the facility be suspended.

To be clear: The Kanienkehaka Kaianerehkowa Kanonhsesne does not approve, sanction or in any way authorize the sale, distribution or serving of alcohol to any one, by any one.

Kanienkehaka Kaianerehkowa Kanonhsesne

People of the Longhouse

Box 1016, Ahkwesasne, Kanienke 13655


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