Hunter’s Hope was created by Hunter Cook’s aunts Karen Adams and Randa Martin when young Hunter became sick last year and needed a double lung transplant. Their campaign to raise money for his family’s traveling expenses back and forth from the hospital in Boston included dances, in-door lawn sales, golf tournaments, and donation jars in locations across Akwesasne. In total, Hunter’s Hope has raised approximately $12,000 which has been greatly appreciated by the family and is helping Hunter in his recovery. A big boost to his recovery came when the Boston Make-a-Wish Foundation took Hunter and his family to Florida to Disney and Epcot Center.
On Jan. 13, Hunter, his Mother Marla Jacobs and other family and dedicated members of Hunter’s Hope, presented Akwesasne’s Jreck Subs with a plaque of Appreciation for continuing to keep the Hunter’s Hope donation jar on their counter all year and raising over $2,000 towards their cause.
“It is our pleasure,” said Jocelyn Almond, Jreck Subs employee. “We like to help anyone in any way that we can.”
It is the family’s hope to continue to raise money for Hunter’s Hope and make donations to help children with Cystic Fibrosis.
Photo by Mary La France
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