Like a cat, the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s pursuit of a casino in the Catskill Mountains has nine lives. After more than a decade of ups and downs, hopefulness and hopelessness, the project could be back on despite the outcome of a tribal referendum on November 28, 2009 in which tribal members voted that Council should completely halt any further pursuit of a Catskills casino. Days later, the tribe’s election board issued a rare declaration on the results of the referendum: Null and void.
The election board received an appeal from a community member stating that the referendum was not valid because it was not announced 30 days prior to the vote, as required by the Election and Referendum Ordinance. Section XIII Part C. states: “The referendum question shall be posted in the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Community Building, at least one local newspaper, and shall be aired as an announcement on CKON Radio Station at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the Referendum.”
Indian Time received the official announcement of the referendum via email on Oct. 26, – twenty-seven days prior to the referendum date. It was printed in the following Indian Time issue on Oct. 29 – twenty-four days prior to the referendum date.
A second question voted on at the same Nov. 21 referendum asked voters if the tribe should purchase the former Burning Sky building and property for $250,000. Since the entire referendum was declared null and void, those results are also invalid.
For the gaming question, 140 tribal members voted that yes the tribe should continue pursuing a Catskills casino. 178 voted no.
For the building purchase question, an overwhelming 278 voted that no the building should not be purchased. 37 voted yes.
The election board will advise Council when to proceed with a new referendum.
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