A Voice from the Eastern Door

“Weight Loss and Health Secrets with Jason Christoff”

True Or False?

In a society where profit is the fuel that keeps the system running, keeping information that would cure disease away from people who are diseased is unfortunately already built into the system.

Are we really to expect people who profit from the sick to cure the sick? Do we really believe that a system, which generates profit in direct relation to illness, is going to place itself on the unemployment line by handing out diets and letting people know that what they do in their kitchens determines if they get sick or not? Are we to expect pharmacies to promote independent diet and lifestyle modification instead of advertising symptom masking medication and medical testing?

Why so many commercials that end with the phrase “talk to your doctor”, regarding products from which they profit immensely. Our society never encourages a person buying a home to take the homeowners’ word regarding the quality of the house. We also never encourage a person buying a car to trust the owner of the car regarding the information about said car.  Why the caution in one area and complete blind faith in the other, especially when the results demonstrate the blind faith can be extremely detrimental.

Why condition a population to never rely on themselves for improving their own health? Why does our society understand profit motivations in one area and not another?

If an industrial company is caught discharging toxic waste into the St. Lawrence most in our society will understand the motive just by looking at the news headline. The motive was to save money and increase profit by downloading a cost to nature. A cost that is not kept on anyone’s accounting books in our society.  The company gets the credit (profit) and nature gets the debit. The company’s value goes up yet the value of nature goes down. In a society that values numbers and not sustainability, the real detriments of these actions are lost.

What is the difference when we see charity interests, pharmacies, health professionals and health institutions team up to promote information that benefits the creation and maintenance of a diseased state? Unfortunately there is no difference and this is now the major flaw within our North American society. This is indeed the Trojan Horse, which has brought most of our currents forms of crisis upon us. This is also why millions are hitting the Internet to bypass all the profit-motivated misinformation.

Nothing was more evident regarding this profit-based behaviour than something that caught my eye last week. It was a paid advertisement from institutions that profit when people are ill. The more illness the more profit and it was regarding type II diabetes.

The ad proposed the question “Individuals with diabetes can’t have sugar?………..TRUE or FALSE?” The answer provided was FALSE. The explanation tabled was along the lines that everything in moderation is just fine and that sugar can add a little fun and flavour to your life.

Type II diabetes is a disease based on excess blood sugar; either from sugar itself, foods that act like sugar in the bloodstream or the liver’s injection of endogenous sugar based on a threat. Why tell people who have sugar control issues that sugar is OK in moderation when you can’t acquire type II diabetes if you understand what “moderation” actually means?  Why tell people sugar can add a little “fun and flavour” to your life when Dr. Nancy Appleton recounts the over 300 diseases sugar directly causes in her book “Licking The Sugar Habit”. Why are the foods that cause type II diabetes associated with the words “fun” and “good times” in an ad sponsored by organizations that profit from the disease? You can be the judge of that.

In this day and age there are thousands of people commenting on such issues and they hold the most valuable qualification regarding such matters. The qualification is impartiality. If you look at this information and have no direct ties of profit to the information the truth is obvious.

Do your own research and you will find the same. The big secret is that you need to run into your kitchen and not run out of your house if you are ill. Why visit third parties for answers? They did not make you sick, they rarely address what you are eating and they will never come judge your kitchen, so what solutions can they really offer? Everything you need to be healthy has already been gifted to you and to your children.

For more information regarding scientifically proven cures for type II diabetes and the dangers of sugar you can e-mail for you free type II diabetes report at [email protected]. Feel free to also register for my health blog at http://whathappenedtohealth.blogspot.com/. 



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