She:kon Sewakwekon,
I want to share something really amazing with all of you. During the recent Harvest Ceremony where the faith keepers, Clan mothers and the people gathered in the Longhouse to thank the Creator for the harvest provided during the past year, I found myself being the only faithkeeper sitting on our side of house. A faith keeper’s responsibility is to answer the other side of the house during the ceremony. However, I am not a Mohawk speaker and do not know the speeches, and normally there are other fluent and knowledgeable speakers available on our side of the house but this time there wasn’t anyone else but me. Much to my relief, two young men, namely Ioherase Ransom and Kakwiroton Cook stepped forward and were able to do the responses. I realized something that day, that as a people, we are so fortunate to have Onkwehonwe parents and the Akwesasne Freedom School teaching our children our language and culture. Both of these fine young men were previous students with the Akwesasne Freedom School and have parents who have a love for our culture and ways and taught the language and those speeches to these young men. What a wonderful thing to experience!
Niawen ko:wa
Frank David
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