The Malone Chamber of Commerce will be holding our annual “Santa in the Park” activity at the Arsenal Green on Friday December 4th 2009 at 6:00 pm. Just like last year, the children that participate will receive a bag filled with goodies to include: toys, coloring books, crayons, toothbrushes, healthy treats, candy canes, etc., they are also able to meet Santa in person. This is a Chamber Event that has been done for a number of years and we are very excited that we are able to do it again this year; it allows everyone to participate as a Community to bring joy and excitement to a number of children. Last year we had over 400 very excited children and very patient parents. We are hoping for the same success this year and we are asking you to be a part of this.
We are asking if you would like to make a donation to help fill the bags for the children and create smiles and goodwill within your Community. It can be a monetary donation or a donation of coloring books, crayons, stuffed animals, story books, toothbrushes, healthy snacks, mittens, hats or any of the many items that would be suitable for children.
We thank you in advance for your attention to this request and ask if you have any questions please call either the Malone Chamber with questions or Ann Marie Trombley at 483-8080 or 483-3835.
Minique Barnett, Executive Director
Malone Chamber of Commerce
Ann Marie Trombley
Operations President
Adirondack Waste
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