A Voice from the Eastern Door

Salmon River participates in Halloween Candy Buy Back Program

Submitted by Alison Benedict, Home-School Coordinator

On November 4th, Salmon River Central elementary students participated for the first time ever in the Halloween Candy Buy Back program.  In just one day, sixty-five students ranging from pre-k through 6th grade participated and brought in over 100 pounds of candy to the Champlain Dental office in Plattsburgh.  Champlain Dental has been graciously promoting this program over the past few years.  Students received $1 per pound of candy brought into school.  Additionally, an equal amount of money will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House in Burlington, VT. The Ronald McDonald House offers families a way to stay together in close proximity to their child’s hospital in a comfortable and caring environment.  

All candy received will be donated to the U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.  

The student that sold the most was Kaden Barney with over 5 pounds of candy!  The class with the most participation was Mrs. Miller’s second grade class.  Some students even enclosed personal messages of gratitude to the soldiers with their candy.  

A special thanks to Mr. John Fairchild, High School Principal for transporting all five garbage bags full of candy to Champlain Dental in his hometown of Plattsburgh.


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