A Voice from the Eastern Door

New support group forms for grandparents raising grandchildren

Raising children fulltime, with their high energy levels and behavioral changes, can be a difficult task for any parent. But, being a grandparent raising a grandchild full, or even part time, can have its own challenges. Raising young children is even more difficult for grandparents who are aging who may be dealing with their own health issues. Surprisingly, the most difficult issue for grandparents is finding help with childcare. This is why with the help of Kanietahawi Sharrow, Mental Health Coordinator with 2 years experience working with the Wholistic Health Program, and Leona Barnes, Prevention Coordinator, grandparents raising their grandchildren formed a new support group for grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. The group plans to meet the first Monday of every month from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at the Senior Center in Hogansburg. Dinner will be provided and there are activities planned by Ms. Barnes for the children. Everyone is welcome to attend, grandparents and those in support, and all members of the group are protected by complete confidentiality.

Photo by Mary La France


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