A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tina’s Pride makes 3rd trip to Syracuse cancer walk

Submitted by Courtney, Sam & Bethe

On Sunday October 4th, Tina’s Pride took part in a Breast Cancer Walk that was held in Syracuse N.Y. Participants came from Akwesasne, Kahnawake, Rochester and Syracuse. Tina’s Pride is made up of family and friends of the late Tina M. Thompson. This is the 3rd year that Tina’s Pride has participated in the walk. Each year our group is getting bigger and bigger.

We would like to thank the community that helped us at our fundraisers or made a pledge to Breast Cancer. Our Fundraisers consisted of a Car Wash & Bake Sale, Chinese Auction & Spaghetti Luncheon, a 50/50 raffle, a Duck Race and a Benefit Dance that was held at the American Legion. Our 50/50 winner was Jiggy Cree who won himself $984.00 Our duck Race winners were 1st place Doris & Darmin who won $500.00, 2nd place was Aaron Jacobs who won $250.00, and 3rd place was Will Laughing who won $100.00. The money raised went towards hotel rooms, shirts for all participants, and a dinner. The remainder of the money went towards Breast Cancer. We would like to thank the following people and organizations:

HAVFD #1 and Dick Laffin. Burgers at Burger and Fries, Myra and John Maracle, the American Legion, Roger Mitchell and The Little River Mohawks, Nancy White, Hope Wheelock, Tracey King & friend, Lindsay & Ashley Mitchell & Mom, Aleesha King, Carla & Ralph Cree, Missy Francis-Herne, Milyanna Jocko & Caleb Bradley. If I missed anyone I am very sorry. We would also like to thank Miss Devla Jock who spent her 8th birthday walking in memory of her Aunt Tina. We send out a great big NIAWEN:KOWA to everyone who helped out.


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