A Voice from the Eastern Door
At the time they cover their faces
1. Áhsen niwáhsen énska 31
2. Enhská:ra’ne It will be the date
3. Kenténha October
4. Tsi niiontkonwaró:roks Halloween
5. Nikahá:wi Time
6. Ratina’tónhkhwa They call it
7. Ronakiohkowá:nen A large group
8. Onkwehshón:’a People
9. Ratiksa’okón:’a Children
10. Enhontkonwaró:roke They will cover their faces
11. Tenhonkierónnion They will play tricks
12. Tsi iakononhsó:ton At their houses
13. Rati’terón:ton They live
14. Tenhonhkwatá:se They will go around
15. Akwé:kon ó:ia’ na’té:ioht tsi All are different
16. Ronatkonwarorókhon They cover their faces
17. Ókia’ke iótteron Some are scary
18. Ókia’ke iosté:ris Some are funny
19. Ókia’ke kaia’tón:ni Some are dolls
20. Ókia’ke teiotenonhianíhton tsi rahétken Some are extremely ugly
21. Ókia’ke enhonnì:ron Some they will say
22. Tenkwarihwaierónnien káton oh nahò:ten enhskwaháhrhahse
Trick or treat
23. Otsikhè:ta thontká:was They give candy
24. Shatiiarihawinónkie They are bringing back a bag
25. Tetkatsikhe’táhere It is full of candy
26. Iakokianerónstha It is haunted
27. Onon’onsera’kó:wa Pumpkin
28. Ahsonthénhkha karáhkwa Moon at night
29. Tsistékeri Owl
30. Wata’én:naras Witch
31. Tsikera’wístak Bat
32. Áhsen niwáhsen énska The 31st
33. Ráhskenhn Skeleton
34. Ká:iare Bag
35. Otsikhè:ta Candy
36. Kahòn:tsi nikaia’tó:ten takò:s Black Cat
37. Iontkonwarorókstha Mask
38. Roteronhienhtén:ni He is afraid
39. Tehotahkwenniaierónnion His clothes are strange (funny)
40. Iehahserénhas Lantern
41. Iakokiánerons kanónhsa Haunted house
42. Akonhonwá:tha Broom
43. Kana’tsiahón:tsi Black cauldron
44. Athehtó:ri Scarecrow
45. Takwa’áhson Spider
46. Teiota’á:raton Cob web
47. Ótkon Devil
48. Akón:wara Mask
49. Shakonekwenhso’tsí:reks Vampire
50. Watenenhstatakwáhton Popcorn
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